sOCRates is a post-OCR text correction method that relies on contextual word embeddings and on a classifier that uses format, semantic, and syntactic similarity features.
Similarity function based on the Levenshtein distance, changing the way the weights are assigned to the substitutions.
- Download the repository
- Create a virtual enviroment
- Install the requirements by using the reqs.txt file
- Install and configure Aspell for portuguese
- Download data (unigrams, bigrams and word-embeddings model) and place it in word_correction folder
- Download the fine-tuned Bert model
- python --folderin ./arquivosxml --folderout ../saida --xml 1 --use_nltk 0 --lista_filtro ../filtro.json
- folderin .- The folder with the data to be processed. This folder could contain xml and txt files
- folderout .- The folder where the output will be placed.
- xml .- Argument to know if sOCRates should process xml or not
- use_nltk .- Argument to know if sOCRates should use the NLTK toolkit or not
- lista_filtro .- Path to the json file with a list of files to be skipped.