- 7
Idée pour rendre plus stable
#221 opened by LeonLenclos - 11
Un_mot_array et oui/non
#216 opened by fabturing - 4
Les attributs
#217 opened by BertrandLenclos - 2
need some help
#224 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
Server CRASH
#220 opened by LeonLenclos - 1
Todo or not todo
#218 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
Attention à <formal>
#211 opened by LeonLenclos - 2
Idées de scénario rivescript à faire
#193 opened by BertrandLenclos - 3
ajustements avant mise en ligne
#198 opened by BertrandLenclos - 2
Confiance oui/non
#210 opened by LeonLenclos - 0
ameliorer les logs
#191 opened by LeonLenclos - 4
Todo internet /dev
#201 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
- 2
fuison mode Normal et mode Impro
#207 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
no more proverb
#167 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
comment je m'appelle
#169 opened by BertrandLenclos - 2
bug affichage firefox
#200 opened by fabturing - 2
#188 opened by LeonLenclos - 2
confiance des concepts
#192 opened by LeonLenclos - 2 dans la doc
#195 opened by BertrandLenclos - 4
#184 opened by LeonLenclos - 10
Rive script Tips and Tricks
#189 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
Rive script Tips and Tricks #2
#190 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
- 2
Thèmes à crééer
#155 opened by fabturing - 3
divers à catcher
#170 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
Alimenter concept
#173 opened by fabturing - 1
Alan planté à 100%
#179 opened by LeonLenclos - 0
n'importe qui peut relancer le server en entrant `rst` en parlant à alan :laughing:
#180 opened by LeonLenclos - 5
- 0
Bug "Tensor bla bla bla"
#177 opened by LeonLenclos - 1
- 4
Server new features
#176 opened by LeonLenclos - 1
- 0
Les commandes
#175 opened by LeonLenclos - 2
problème audio
#174 opened by fabturing - 0
conversation bloquée (genre)
#171 opened by LeonLenclos - 0
contributeur init relation
#156 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
chose etrange avec concept
#172 opened by LeonLenclos - 1
set name étrange...
#166 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
probleme sox alsa
#164 opened by fabturing - 1
- 1
reproches vs compliments
#165 opened by BertrandLenclos - 2
Problèmes affichage texte
#161 opened by fabturing - 2
#157 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
recupérer la date
#163 opened by BertrandLenclos - 1
améliorer log.txt
#160 opened by LeonLenclos - 2
issue sur t'es mort
#159 opened by BertrandLenclos - 0
- 1
"quel est" dans Kesako ?
#154 opened by BertrandLenclos