
Base conflux blockchain, moonswap smart contract

Primary LanguageSolidity



  • MigratorFactory

createpair and get Custodian RecevieAddress(cToken Type), from ethereum transfer then crosschain club mint cToken, transfer ERC777 to MigratorPair

  • MigratorPair

receive crosschain fund; Add LIQUIDITY user exchange LpToken through cMoonLpToken; upload User ShareAmount Then airdrop FC;


  • MoonSwap Factory (=UniswapV2Factory)

same as Uniswap;

limit createPair; limit tokenlist;

  • MoonSwap Pair (= UniswapV2Pair)

same as Uniswap;

Contract Address

  • mainnet base on conflux
Name Contract Address (hex)
MoonswapRouter 0x80ae6a88ce3351e9f729e8199f2871ba786ad7c5
MoonswapFactory 0x865f55a399bf9250ae781adfbed71e70c12bd2d8
inithash a6330451e4d6d3fc19f31fc5ee71147d88812b0da79f64b03ed210fd594d84e9
MoonCake 0x86897fff70592e3973f637b39da4208797192a1a
MoonMaker 0x854b73aa9f5b713c2244560c13107f19422f1e49
  • testnet
Name Contract Address (hex)
MoonswapRouter 0x8a38553900e5d1f83a76c83b09522929691112d0
MoonswapFactory 0x8c1bf1bce2e9c0a5822fd106b0aac39bf02be779