ELF File Format



Position (32 bit) Position (64 bit) Value
0-3 0-3 Magic number - 0x7F, then 'ELF' in ASCII
4 4 1 = 32 bit, 2 = 64 bit
5 5 1 = little endian, 2 = big endian
6 6 ELF header version
7 7 OS ABI - usually 0 for System V
8-15 8-15 Unused/padding
16-17 16-17 1 = relocatable, 2 = executable, 3 = shared, 4 = core
18-19 18-19 Instruction set - see table below
20-23 20-23 ELF Version
24-27 24-31 Program entry position
28-31 32-39 Program header table position
32-35 40-47 Section header table position
36-39 48-51 Flags - architecture dependent; see note below
40-41 52-53 Header size
42-43 54-55 Size of an entry in the program header table
44-45 56-57 Number of entries in the program header table
46-47 58-59 Size of an entry in the section header table
48-49 60-61 Number of entries in the section header table
50-51 62-63 Index in section header table with the section names