
This is a feature-toggle microservice. This is written in Golang and uses a mongodb database.

Primary LanguageGo

FeatureToggle Golang Project

A feature toggle is a technique in software development that attempts to provide an alternative to maintaining multiple branches in source code, such that a software feature can be tested even before it is completed and ready for release. A feature toggle is used to hide, enable or disable the feature during runtime.

This is a light, simple and fast microservice application builded with golang. It uses a mongodb database to store the features.

How to use

To run the application, you just need to use the docker-compose to build the infrastructure and then run the application on port 8080 using the command below.

go run ./cmd/main.go

How it works

The feature has a very simple struct: { "name": "featureName" "clients": [ "yourClientId1", "yourClientId2" ] }


  • GetAll features - GET /feature
  • Insert feature - POST /feature
  • Update feature clientes - PATCH /feature/{name}
  • Validate if a feature is enabled for a client - GET /feature/{name}/{client}

To do's

  • Request Authentication.