Animated Expanding ListView provides a fancy animation on expanding or collapsing the content of a listview item.
- 0359xiaodong
- amorenewBoxit4me
- anzfactoryTokyo
- cuzhubeijing
- DanielSobczak@ifolor
- DavidBenkoBlankfactor
- djandreski
- heatherSnepenger
- hurelhuyagZeent Tech LLC
- hyhdez
- jamiescode
- jaycomHon Kong
- joe-trellickLondon, UK
- johnleeinhon
- johnnylambadasigseg.com
- LackeySoftIrvine, CA
- linlx
- moondroidItaly
- ofermoshsaioffIsrael
- oudommeas
- RbcumChina Shenzhen
- rciovati@reddit
- redien
- rhapsodixx@tiptiptv
- roycezhcTokyo, Japan
- SangBumLee
- seasider620
- stewjacks
- turbochan
- unia529
- weikipeng
- willwl
- X3Daniel
- YangShaoXiongHeBei China
- yaronshlomo
- youmu178JD