
This is the front-end implementation of a coding challenge. A live version of this can be found on

Install and run

To run this code locally, first clone this repo using: To install dependencies:

git clone

Then enter the repo folder and install the dependencies: And to run the project :

cd birthdays-client
npm install

Then add the .env file:

cp ./.env.sample ./env

NOTE: This will point you to the live version of the back-end, currently hosted on heroku. You can alternatively run this project locally and not use a .env file, or make your own version of the back-end.

Finally, you can run the project using:

npm start

The browser should open on localhose:3000, with the running code.


To run the tests you use the following command:

npm run test

It will run the react-script for running tests, that came with create-react-app.

The tests tools can be found at ./package.json on the devDependencies section.

The Solution

This project was mainly implemented with:

  • react.js - as the main framework, and bootstraped with create-react-app;
  • redux - for state management;
  • react-router - for route management;
  • sass (via the node-sass lib) - for styling Aditional libs can be found at ./package.json on the dependencies section.

Fun facts:

The design of this project was inspired by Katy Perry's Birthday lyric video