This is my personal solution to the coding challege proposed by Intent. I've decided to use Create React App to bootstrap it, and implement my solution using it's structure. The styling lib of choice was JSS. The design is an original implementation inspired by dark-themes and art.
On your terminal, install the required dependencies with:
yarn install
To run the app, use the following command:
yarn start
Then access http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. Make sure to also check it on phone and tablet screens!
To run the tests, use the following command:
yarn run test
The architecture of choice is called Screaming Architecture. In essence, the first layer of folders (the ones under ./src) represent important or relevant concepts. Then components, utils, algorithms, stores and other development mechanisms are organized into the related folders. The idea is that implementations and tools are adapted to the project, instead of the project bending for the implementations and tools.