
Pomodoro Timer to improve productivity and focus - ReactJS + Hooks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pomodoro Timer ReactJS

This project was created in ReactJS with Hooks API.

See Demo

Open this link https://quirky-ardinghelli-4a796a.netlify.app/ to view the demo.

Why use Pomodoro technique?

Daily we have a list with several activities to be carried out, some of them more complex that end up requiring a lot of attention. This technique shows us a path to follow and keep us focused, “postponing” interruptions for breaks or for the next few minutes of focus (called Pomodoros).

How to use?

Make a list of tasks. Use a stopwatch and stay focused for 25 minutes on the list. Stop for 5 minutes and resume work for another 25 minutes. After 4 25-minute “Pomodoros”, take a longer break of at least 15 minutes.

With this application, you can define the duration of the working time and the duration of the break. You will receive an audible notification when the period automatically switches.

