By-menu server side

An API to connect to a database using a interfaced class for the controllers

API access example

These two rotes below are configurated as example. Do you need just to implement the correspondent data in your MySQL database.

User login

  GET /user/login
Parameter Type Description
no parameter no type no parameter required

User register

  GET /user/register
Parameter Type Description
no parameter no type no parameter required

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd digital_menu_backend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the dev-server that will uses nodemon

  npm run dev

Creating the repository

To create the repository you need to run the command below:

  npm run generate

After that select the option "Generate repository interface + empty model + MySQL repository".

What do you want to generate? ...
---> Generate repository interface + empty model + MySQL repository
Generate controller
Generate route

You need to pass the data base repository ModelName argument, so you will see that the repository, repository interface and the model will be created on the following folders:

File Inherited from Description
./src/repositories/interfaces/IModelNameRepository.ts ReadWriteRepository All the specific methods must be declared here as abstract
./src/repositories/MySQL/MySQLModelName.ts IModelNameRepository All the specific methods declared in the file above must be implemented here besides the default methods (getAll, get, create, update, delete)
./src/models/ModelName.ts none It's the database model, corresponding to the table columns

Creating the controller

  npm run generate

After that select the option "Generate controller".

What do you want to generate? ...
Generate repository interface + empty model + MySQL repository
---> Generate controller
Generate route

You need to pass the repository ModelName and the ControllerName as argument of that CLI command. The following files will be generated:

File Inherited from Description
./src/controllers/ModelName/ControllerNameController.ts AbstractController< MySQLModelNameRepository > All the actions related with this controller must be implemented here. You can get the repository just like that: this.Repository

Creating the route

  npm run generate

After that select the option "Generate route".

What do you want to generate? ...
Generate repository interface + empty model + MySQL repository
 Generate controller
--->Generate route

You need to pass the repository ModelName, the ControllerName and the RouteName as argument of that CLI command. The following files will be generated:

File Inherited from Description
./src/routes/RouteNameRoute.ts none Here you can follow the commented implementation to make you controller action call

Inserting the route at the server.ts

Just open the server.ts at the root folder and insert the following:

app.use("/user", require("./routes/RouteNameRoute"));

Example of custom repository method


export abstract class IUserRepository<T, Y> extends ReadWriteRepository<T, Y>
    public abstract getUserByName(username: string) : any;
    public abstract updateLastLoginTime(id: number, newValue: number) : any;


    public async getUserByName(username: string) 
        const [row] = await MySQLClient.GetInstance().Query("SELECT id, username, password, email, creation_date, last_login_date, role FROM users WHERE username = ?", [username]);       
        return (row as any)[0] as unknown as Promise<User>;

    public async updateLastLoginTime(id: number, newValue: number)
        const [row] = await MySQLClient.GetInstance().Query("UPDATE users SET last_login_date = ? WHERE id = ?", [id, newValue]);       
        return row as unknown as ResultSetHeader;

Tech Stack

Server: NodeJS, Express, Jest

Implemented BD: MySQL
