


This project uses Makefile to run most of the configurations. Type make to get a list of available commands.

Getting started

Configure the .env file with your database information and a Youtube API key

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install mix and npm dependencies with make install
  • Setup a dockerized postgresql service, an admin client, create and migrate your database with make db
  • Start the Phoenix server with an interactive Elixir shell using make server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


This project uses docker-compose to provide a pgAdmin image. It is available at localhost:5050. There you will have to login with the credentials provided in the .env file: PG_ADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL, PG_ADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD. Then create a server with name postgres, username and password as provided in the .env file.

You can reset the database using make reset.