
Assessement application

Primary LanguageJava



Repository pattern and use cases

Usually I design the application with clean architecture in mind, so I put my logic in the domain layer, the fetching of the data on the data layer and the ui and MV* in the presentation layer. I decided to not use this architecture and keep using the architecture previously used in this exercise and not break the code style.


Personally I prefer to work one activity applications and multiple fragments. The navigation stays in your navigation folders and graphs and is easily traceable if an error exits.

Dependency injection

It's hard to go back to pure Dagger2 after tasting Koin and Hilt, personally I think it was the hardest challenge of this exercise.

Core module

I consider that a core module is very important for having your resources, databases and network calls centralized, it helps you with debugging and dependency injection.


I really missed some kind of asynchrony in the detail and list modules other than call enqueue directly in the ViewModels (as it does calling the DAOs in the favorites module), because it breaks the clean architecture principles completely.


Trunk based workflow

After working with git-flow for a long time, I decided to test trunk based workflow to see if it feels right and to check its pros and cons. I think it really needs testing to work well in a team environment



I would have loved to complete these too, but I already have other technical tests too and my time is limited, so I decided to split my time between these tasks.


To have proper unit testing specially for the favorites module you need time, but as I said before I cannot dedicate too much time to each test.