
Used NLP techniques (tokenization, stemming, vectorization for TF-IDF) and clustering algorithms (Kmeans and Hierarchical clustering) to mine the "similarities" between films based on their plots provided by IMBD and Wikipedia. The dataset contains the titles of the top 100 movies on IMDb.

Primary LanguagePython

Modeling Film Similarity with NLP & Clustering Algorithms


This project entails using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques (ie: regular expressions, tokenization, stemming, vectorization for TF-IDF) and clustering algorithms (KMeans and Hierarchical clustering) in Python to model the "similarities" between films based on their plots provided by IMDb and Wikipedia. The dataset contains the titles of the top 100 movies on IMDb. Steps taken include the following:

1. Combining Plot Data

Merging the Wikipedia and IMDb plots

2. Tokenization

Breaking out the sentences and words in the plots

3. Stemming

Stemming the word tokens to their base form

4. Creating TF-IDF

Creating the term frequency inverse document frequency object

5. Computing Distance and Clusters

Computing the euclidean distance of common terminology across plots + leveraging the KMeans algorithm for clustering the distances

6. Calculating Similarity

Using max / complete linkage to compute the similarity between film plots

7. Visualization

Creating a dendrogram to visualize the films clustered together and their respective hierarchies.