
A image-based fish larvae counting system using trained YOLOv5

Primary LanguagePython


A image-based fish larvae counting system using trained YOLOv5

Instructions To Use

Requirements : Python 3.8 or above.

  1. Open Command Prompt, type
    cd path_you_save_the_folder

  2. Create virtual environment following the instructions include in the website: https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/26/python-virtual-env/

  3. In command prompt, type

You will now see your virtual environment name with a bracket at the front of current path.

  1. Install the requirements.txt in the virtual environment.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Download and Install PostgreSQL server.
    PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/
    Please remember the password set in the postgreSQL installation. It will be used later.
    alt text \

  3. Set Up PostgreSQL Database
    Open SQL Shell.

In SQL Shell,

Click four times enter to connect to the database. Enter the password you set when you install postgreSQL.

Create a user in PostgreSQL, type
create user ficopostgres with password '123456';
Alter the role of the user.
alter user ficopostgres with superuser; alter user ficopostgres with createdb;

Check the role of your user.
It should be look like this:
alt text
To create a database, type
create database ficodatabase2;

Connect postgres user to database, type
\c ficodatabase2 ficopostgres;

In the ficoflask\ init.py line 10,

Make sure the database url follow the format postgresql://postgres_user_name:postgres_user_passsword@localhost:5432/postgres_database_name

In command prompt,

To create the tables in ficoflask\models.py
from ficoflask import db

To check the database is connected,
from ficoflask.models import User

It should appear [] if the database is connected.

7. Change the weight path in 'ficoflask\routes.py' in line 22
weight = 'D:/XAMPP/htdocs/Fico1/weights/best.pt' -> change it to the path of your best.pt

8. In command prompt, type
python run.py

You will be able to access to system by typing in your browser 'localhost:5000'.