Project jbrowse-adam implements sample integration between JBrowse and ADAM file formats.
##Preliminary preparations:
To run jbrowse-adam
we need some files with genomic data. Sample files is attached to project, but physically located on at Git LFS storage ( Please, before clone project, install this extension to property download them. File local.conf
already configured to use this genomic data files in local-mode
Alternatively we can convert full data (
) in ADAM format, how to do it, it is written below.
##Launch application
###To run jbrowse-adam
in "local-mode":
Before start, we need to install latest versions of Java
, Scala
and SBT
, if they are not already installed.
In jbrowse-adam
folder type sbt "run local"
or launch sbt
and type re-start local
or in file application.conf
set config.path = "local"
and type sbt run
###To run jbrowse-adam
in "cluster-mode":
By default nothing no need to change in application.conf
, when config.path = "cluster"
But, need to correct paths in file cluster.conf
, see in example below.
###Example of launch on Amazon EMR Cluster
####Cluster creation
We tested project on these settings of cluster (when create cluster, switch to Advanced options
Software and Steps:
- Vendor:
- Release:
- Check
Hadoop 2.7.1
andSpark 1.6.0
, uncheck others
- Master: 1x
- Core: 2x
- Task: 10x
We also tested big data at r3.xlarge
EC2 instances and received a boost in performance when process really big data.
General cluster Settings:
- Uncheck termination protection
EC2 Key Pair
- need to be created by EC2 admin and specified here. This pair need for ssh access.
Press Create Cluster button
Now need to wait (about 7 min).
####Access to cluster via SSH and web browser
Cluster details
searchMaster public DNS
and pressSSH
Copy string for access to cluster from the console:
ssh -i ~/you-key-pair.pem
It is meant that the key pairs file
are in the user's root directory, e.g./home/user
and have access rights 600 (chmod 600 ~/you-key-pair.pem
) -
SSH into EMR master instance with command above.
To see work of cluster in browser - press
Enable web connection
and follow instructions, details see below.
####Preparing data and code base
- Upload genomic data to S3 bucket. In order to reduce delays, the S3 bucket should be located in the same region as the EMR cluster.
- Install
on cluster:
sudo yum install git
curl | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-sbt-rpm.repo
sudo yum install sbt
Clone code with:
git clone --recursive
cd jbrowse-adam
Edit paths to genomic data:
nano src/main/resources/cluster.conf
Change all
to yours paths at S3 bucket (s3n://...)Ctrl+O - save changes, Ctrl+X - exit
Assembly code with:
sbt assembly
Until the project is assembling, you can drink tea. It is a long process.
with command:
spark-submit \
--master yarn-client \
--num-executors 50 \
--executor-memory 8g \
--packages org.bdgenomics.adam:adam-core:0.16.0 \
--class md.fusionworks.adam.jbrowse.Boot target/scala-2.10/jbrowse-adam-assembly-0.1.jar
This command works for extreme big genomic files (35+ Gb). You may decrease or remove at all (use default values): --num-executors
, --executor-memory
, --driver-memory
####See results in browser:
Assume, that we have master public DNS:
. In apperas in Cluster details
When web connection is enabled, we can access some interesting addresses:
- JBrowse:
- Spark jobs:
- Alternatively, we can see Spark jobs with CSS styles in
Cluster details
->Resource Manager
->Application master
####Terminate cluster job:
- Ctrl+C
###Convert genomic data to ADAM format (local example):
cd jbrowse-adam
sbt console
AdamConverter.vcfToADAM("file:///path/to/genetic/file_data.vcf", "file:///path/to/genetic/file_data.vcf.adam")
Available operations:
- fastaToADAM
- vcfToADAM
- bam_samToADAM
If we got Out of memory errors
, we should give to JVM more memory. For example:
sbt console -J-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -J-Xms1024M -J-Xmx2048M -J-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
###Convert genomic data to ADAM format (EMR/S3 example):
cd jbrowse-adam
spark-submit \
--master yarn-client \
--num-executors 50 \
--conf spark.executor.memory=8g \
--driver-memory=8g \
--packages org.bdgenomics.adam:adam-core:0.16.0 \
--class \
target/scala-2.10/jbrowse-adam-assembly-0.1.jar \
s3n://path/to/legacy/genetic/file/_data.bam \
This example works for extreme big files (35+ Gb). You may decrease or remove at all (use default values): --num-executors
, --conf spark.executor.memory
, --driver-memory