
Examen 2 compiladores 1 Leonel Thomas

Primary LanguageC#


A very small, simple and limited orm that will translate query language to SQL.


code -> 'def' 'tables' table-def table-defs 'end' 'def' 'relationships' relationships 'end' queries

relationships -> id '.' relationship relationships | E

relationship -> many '(' id ')' ';' | one '(' id ')' ';'

table-defs -> table-def table-defs | E

table-def -> id '{' table-cols '}' table-cols -> table-col table-cols table-col -> '[' table-metadata-col | id ':' type ';'

table-metadata-col -> 'primary'']' id ':' type ';'

queries -> id '.' query queries | E

query -> insert | 'update' '(' json ')' update | 'select' '(' args ')' select

json -> '{' json-elements-opt '}' json-elements-opt -> json-elements | E

json-elements -> json-element json-elements-prime json-elements-prime -> ',' json-element json-elements-prime | E json-element -> id ':' logical-or-expr

insert -> 'add' '(' json ')'';'

update -> ';' | '.' 'where' '('logical-or-expr')' ';'

select -> ';' | '.' 'where' '('logical-or-expr')' ';'

type -> int | string | float | bool

args -> id args' args' -> ',' id args' | E