
Crosshair for any game using WinAPI

Primary LanguageC


To compile this just use build.bat or you can compile it yourself smth like this:

  • for dynamic linking:
g++ source/main.cpp source/window.cpp source/translucent_window.cpp source/menu_window.cpp source/texture.cpp -lgdi32 -lmsimg32 -o crosshair -DLOGS -mwindows
  • for static linking:
g++ source/main.cpp source/window.cpp source/translucent_window.cpp source/menu_window.cpp source/texture.cpp -lgdi32 -lmsimg32 -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static -lpthread -o crosshair -DLOGS -mwindows

Note that -lgdi32 and other libraries on some compilers must be after all *.cpp files!

Also you can add -mwindows if you want to hide terminal on startup.


Actually you can use any image of any format that is supported by stb library (QUICK NOTES) as crosshair texture, just drag and drop it on menu window client area.

Note that texture dimensions should be even (but not necessary quad) to draw crosshair accurate in the center.

You can find some default crosshairs in assets directory.


  • Write own image loader library