👋 Hello! I'm Soybean.

I'm a front-end developer, have more than three years of experience in web development.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on **An admin template - Soybean Admin, based on Vue3+Vite+TypeScript+NaiveUI **
  • 🌱 I'm good at writing clean and high quality standard code.
  • 📫 How to reach me: Wechat(honghuangdc)、qq(2570172956)、gmail(honghuangdc@gmail.com).

languages and tools:

  • Vue、React.
  • TypeScript、Nodejs、deno.
  • Nuxt、Ionic、Uniapp、React Native.
  • Vite、Webpack.
  • AntV、ECharts、Charts.js、d3、threejs.

open source project:

  • soybean-admin: A fresh and elegant admin template, based on Vue3、Vite3、TypeScript、NaiveUI and UnoCSS.

📈 My github stats

abhisheknaiidu abhisheknaiidu

My repositories

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