
👨‍🏫 WebAPI C# .NET Core 👨‍🏫

Primary LanguageC#

Course Manager REST API ASP .NET Core 5

C# .Net

Course Logo Professor Logo

💻 Prerequisites

Before you begin, make sure you meet the following requirements:

🚀 Running the Course Manager project

Inside the Gerenciador_de_cursos project folder, follow these steps:

CLI (Windows / Linux):

dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run

Access the link at: https://localhost:50001/api or http://localhost:5000/api

⬆️ Requests and Responses ⬇️ [User]

API Description Request Response Body
GET /api/users/index Returns all users None Array of User
GET /api/users/show/{id} Returns a user via id Guid item JSON of type User
POST /api/users/create Adds a new user UserCreateDTO item JSON of type User
PUT /api/users/update/{id} Updates a user via id UserUpdateDTO item JSON of type User
DELETE /api/users/delete/{id} Deletes a user via id Guid item JSON of type DeleteResponseDTO

⬆️ Requests and Responses ⬇️ [Course]

API Description Request Response Body
GET /api/courses/index Returns all courses None Array of CourseResponseDTO
GET /api/courses/show/{id} Returns a course via Id Guid item JSON of type CourseResponseDTO
POST /api/courses/create Adds a new course CourseCreateDTO item JSON of type CourseResponseDTO
PUT /api/courses/update/date/{id} Updates the dates of a course via id CourseUpdateDTO item JSON of type CourseResponseDTO
PATCH /api/courses/update/status/{id} Updates the status of a course via id StatusCourseEnum item JSON of type CourseResponseDTO
PATCH /api/courses/update/title/{id} Updates the title of a course via id Guid item JSON of type CourseResponseDTO
DELETE /api/courses/delete/{id} Deletes a course via id Guid item JSON of type DeleteResponseDTO

Tables Diagram


Status Codes used in the project

StatusCode Description
200 🟢 Sucess
201 🟢 Created
400 🟡 Bad Request
401 🟡 Unauthorized
403 🟡 Forbidden
404 🟡 Not Found
500 🔴 Internal Server Error

✍️ Author

Made by me, with love ❤️ :)

Leonardo Oliveira

📝 License

This project is under a license. See the MIT file for more details. MIT