
πŸ›‘ E-commerce built in Angular and .NET Core C#. Personal project made to apply knowledge of technologies mentioned above. πŸ”¨

Primary LanguageC#

E-Commerce Project πŸ’²

This E-commerce project is developed using Angular for the front-end and .NET Core C# for the back-end. It is a personal project created with the aim of applying and showcasing knowledge of these technologies.

Technologies Used πŸ”¨

  • Front-End: Angular (not included in this repository)
  • Back-End: .NET Core C#
  • Database: SQL Server
  • Architecture: Hexagonal Architecture
  • Design Pattern: Generic Repository Pattern
  • Layers: Three layers - API, Presentation, and Infrastructure
  • Additional Tools: Migrations, Docker

Project Structure πŸ“•

The project follows a modular and organized structure, adhering to the principles of hexagonal architecture. The three main layers are:

  1. API Layer: Contains the API endpoints and serves as the entry point for external communication.

  2. Domain Layer(core): Represents the entities, the definitions for interfances (repositories and services).

  3. Infrastructure Layer: Manages the underlying infrastructure, including database interactions, external services, and other low-level concerns.

Design Patterns πŸ•ΈοΈ

The project incorporates the Generic Repository Pattern, enhancing data access by providing a common set of methods for CRUD operations. This promotes code reusability and maintainability.

Database and Migrations πŸ—ƒοΈ

SQL Server is utilized as the database for this E-commerce project. The project integrates migrations to manage database schema changes efficiently.

Docker 🐳

Docker is employed for containerization, allowing for a consistent and reproducible environment across different systems. This simplifies deployment and scalability.

How to Run πŸ€“

To run the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Leozartino/fantastic-props-api
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    set up the startup project with Program.cs file
  3. Access the Application: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:yourport

Feel free to explore and modify the project according to your needs. Happy coding!