
A simple web image gallery. [MIRROR]

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Kuvia is a simple image gallery for static web sites. Give it a list of image files, and you've got an image gallery that can be hosted in any web host.

Checkout this demo page for an example of what Kuvia generates.


Usage: kuvia [OPTIONS] [FILE ...]
Kuvia page generator

    -h, --help          Display this help.
    -o, --output=ARG    File to write the page to. Uses STDOUT if not specified.
    -d, --dir=ARG+      Directories to scan for images.
    -r, --recursive     Recursively scan directories for images.
    -t, --types=ARG     Comma separated list of file types to include in image scanning
    -e, --pattern=ARG+  Patterns for scanning image files
    -p, --prefix=ARG    Prefix to add to each scanned file
    -j, --json=ARG      Custom JSON source for images
        --php           Use PHP to load the list of images.
    -J, --js=ARG+       URLs to custom JavaScript files
    -C, --css=ARG+      URLs to custom CSS files
        --no-min        Disable minimization


Kuvia can be installed from npm or Yarn using the following command:

npm install -g kuvia
yarn install -g kuvia


Kuvia command line app is used for generating gallery pages. The app allows customizing what images are shown in the gallery. For example, a gallery of three images can be created like this:

kuvia -o gallery.html image1.jpg image2.png directory/image3.gif

This creates a file gallery.html which loads three images. The gallery file expects the images to be located relative to where the app was called. Thus if you move the gallery file the image files should be moved accordingly. You can also specify a prefix if you know that images won't be located relative to the gallery file.

kuvia -o gallery.html -p 'http://example.org/gallery/' image1.jpg image2.png directory/image3.gif

The gallery will then load the images from these URLs:


Scanning directories for images

Specifying each file individually can be tedious, which is why the app can also scan directories for images, and generate a gallery based on the found images:

kuvia -o gallery.html -d myimages

This command scans the myimages directory for all the images. You can also specify multiple directories:

kuvia -o gallery.html -d berlin -d amsterdam -d london

If you wish to scan all of the sub directories as well, you can add the -r flag:

kuvia -o gallery.html -r -d berlin -d amsterdam -d london

By default, the app scans the directories for all the jpg, jpeg, gif, and png files. You can change what file types are included in the scan:

kuvia -o gallery.html -t jpg,png -d myimages

You can also specify custom patterns for scanning files:

kuvia -o gallery.html -e 'berlin/*.jpg' -e 'london/**/*.*(png|gif)'

This command scans the berlin directory for all the jpg files and the london directory and its subdirectories for all the png and gif files. For more information on the pattern syntax, see glob documentation.

All of these options can be used simultaneously:

kuvia -o gallery.html \
    -p 'http://example.org/gallery/' \
    -t jpg,png -r \
    -d myimages \
    -d amsterdam \
    -e 'berlin/*.jpg' \
    -e 'london/**/*.*(png|gif)' \
    image1.jpg image2.png directory/image3.gif

Using JSON resource as an image source

Instead of specifying a static list of files, a JSON resource can be specified. When the gallery page is opened, the gallery loads the resource and uses the contents as the image list. The resource contents must be in JSON array format where each element is a path to an image. A gallery that uses a JSON resource can be generated using the following command:

kuvia -o gallery.html -j '/path/to/json/resource'

Using PHP for loading the image list

The app can also generate a PHP gallery page that loads the list of images dynamically. The PHP page loads the list of images from the directory specified in the dir query parameter. The PHP gallery can be generated using the following command:

kuvia -o gallery.php --php

If the web server also supports htaccess files, the query parameter can be masked using rewrite rules with the help of the following .htaccess file. The file must be placed to the same directory as the gallery file, and the file name in the .htaccess file must have the same name as the gallery file.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ gallery.php?dorewrite=1&dir=$1 [L,QSA]

Customizing Kuvia

Additional JavaScript and CSS files can be added to the gallery page using -J and -C flags. The specified resources are loaded using stylesheet link and script tags:

kuvia -o gallery.html -d images \
    -J 'http://example.org/myscript.js' \
    -J '/another/script.js' \
    -C 'http://example.org/style.css' \
    -C '/stylesheets/style.css' \

By default, the gallery page is minified to save space. If you don't want the page to be minified, use the --no-min flag:

kuvia -o gallery.html -d images --no-min


Alternatively, you can run Kuvia directly using Docker. Kuvia's Docker images are hosted in Gitlab. Example:

docker run --rm -it \
    -v $(pwd):/workspace \
    registry.gitlab.com/lepovirta/kuvia \
    -d . -r -o index.html

In the example, the current directory is mounted as a volume in the /workspace directory in the Docker image. This is how we can provide pictures for Kuvia to find and produce the gallery HTML to.

The Docker image treats the /workspace directory as its current directory, so we can just provide . as the directory parameter. Likewise, since we output the HTML to the index.html file, it will appear in the current directory.

Hacking the source code

You can pull the latest development version from Gitlab:

git clone https://gitlab.com/lepovirta/kuvia.git

Once you've fetched the source code, you can install the dependencies locally using Yarn:

cd kuvia
yarn install

The JS source code for the UI can be found from src directory. The main program can be found from the bin directory. The resources directory contains the stylesheets and HTML templates.

You can run the local Kuvia app from the bin directory to try your changes:

./bin/kuvia.js -o gallery.html -d myimages

If you're going to make commits, make sure to install the Git hooks first:

yarn run githooks

The Git hooks ensure that the commits follow the Conventional Commit style.


To create a new release, run the following commands in the master branch:

yarn version $VERSION
git push
git push --tags


2-clause BSD license

See LICENSE for further detail.