An oracle for data given in my employer's typical layout.
Clone the repository
Get and install the oracle client for .net and Visual Studio (this will be quite cumbersome). I have "Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2015" Version 12.1.2400 on my machine.
Open the solution file in Visual Studio 2015
Execute "Restore Nuget Packages" on the Solution
Set Lercher.Delphi.ServiceConsole as the startup project
Configure the appropriate command line options in "My Project/Debug/Command line arguments" (see below)
Check Tools/Options/Typescript/Project/General - Automatically compile typescript files which are not part of a project, and look for "Output(s) generated successfully." in the status bar after saving *.ts files
Hit F5 and pray, it should say something like:
This is Delphi, an Oracle for Data. 2016 M. Lercher Listening on http://+:9001/delphi/...
b - open browser. Press Enter to stop ...
Press b and Enter, a browser window should open now
Runs as a console application (Lercher.Delphi.ServiceConsole.exe) and then serves on http://+:9001/Delphi You have to provide several commandline options to specify the connection to an oracle database at startup.
-p, --port (Default: 1521) Port number of the oracle connection
-h, --host Required. Server name of the oracle database
-s, --sid Required. SID of the oracle database
-u, --user Required. oracle user
-c, --credentials Required. password to access the oracle database
To connect to your favourite locally installed xe oracle edition user SYSTEM, start:
Lercher.Delphi.ServiceConsole.exe -p 1521 -h localhost -s xe -u SYSTEM -c you-know-your-password
New in 2017
- Back Office workflow viewer
- Front Office workflow viewer
- including RULE and CRITIRIA viewer