A Github Repo W/ Pre-Patched Tweaks for Jakeashacks' Rootless JB
All of these tweaks are pre-patched with Jake's Patcher. That makes this process quite a bit more simple for users. When Searching for a tweak just go to its folder, then go to its Library folder. Copy the MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibrairies files to /var/containers/Bundle/tweaksupport/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibrairies in Filza
lots of tweaks only have this folder, but some need a bit more work:
copy all prefrences to /var/containers/Bundle/tweaksupport/Library/PrefernceLoader/Preferences in Filza
copy the .bundel to /var/containers/Bundle/tweaksupport/Library/PrefernceBundles in Filza
As for installing Filza I Reccomend you follow Jakes Tutorial @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxmaZldVubc&t=36s
I have added A compiled filza ipa to this repo however it is untested
You can send Requests (free tweaks only) to my twitter @ https://twitter.com/Tech_Hax_ or pm me on reddit https://reddit.com/u/Lermatroid
I am not responsible if you mess something up on your device with any of these tweaks being installed or if one of these tweaks mess up your device. The Rootless JB is not made by me nor are these tweaks. If anyone has a tweak or application on this repo that they would like removed, please contact me and they will be removed imeddiatly.