Heterogeneous GNN Driven Information Prediction Framework

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Heterogeneous GNN Driven Information Prediction Framework


Our HIF is implemented mainly based on the following libraries (see the README file in source code folder for more details):

File Tree

Our main project file structure and description:

├─ README.md
├─ environment.yaml       # our environment list
├─ data
│    ├─ processed       # processed data will be made by program
│    ├─ raw       # our raw data
├─ models       # package of models (HIF and its variants)
│    ├─ __init__.py
│    ├─ classfier.py
│    ├─ hetero.py
│    ├─ predictor.py
│    ├─ test.py
├─ nn       # package of neural network layers
│    ├─ coattention
│    ├─ conv
│    ├─ functional
│    ├─ metrics
│    ├─ nlp
│    ├─ tcn
│    ├─ time
│    ├─ __init__.py
│    ├─ conv.py	# graph convolution layer
│    ├─ embedding.py       # embedding module
│    ├─ noise.py
│    ├─ positional_encoding.py
│    ├─ reinforcements.py
│    └─ readout.py	# output layer
├─ run.py	# running entrance
└─ utils	# utils of drawing, dataloading, tensor and parameter propcessing
       ├─ data
       ├─ draw
       ├─ graph_op
       ├─ __init__.py
       ├─ additive_dict.py
       ├─ ckpt.py
       ├─ clean_lightning_logs.py
       ├─ group_tensorborad_data.py
       ├─ indexer.py


Installation requirements are described in environment.txt

  • Create Conda Environment:

    Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Activate Conda Environment:

    After the installation is complete, activate the newly created Conda environment using the following command:

    conda activate <environment_name>
  • Verify Environment Installation:

    You can verify whether the environment is correctly installed:

    conda list


Before it starts running, please make sure that HIF is located in the /root/hif directory

Then, get helps for all parameters of data processing, training and optimization:

python run.py  --help


python run.py --paramater value

Experiment Settings

Here we list some basic settings of parameters for your reference:

Basic settings

Parameter Value Description
gpus 1 Number of GPUs to train on (int) or which GPUs to train on (list or str) applied per node.
time_loss_weig 5e-5 Wights of time nodes similarity.
num_workers 4 Number of workers.
num_heads 16 Number of attention heads.
log_every_n_steps 5 How often to log within steps.
batch_size 64 Batch Size.
name SSC Datasets name.
observation 1.0 Observation time.
sample 0.05 Sample.
accumulate_grad_batches 1 Accumulates grads every k batches or as set up in the dict.
in_feats 256 Dimension of inputs.
learning_rate 5e-3 Learning rate to optimize parameters.
weight_decay 5e-3 Weight decay.
l1_weight 0 L1 loss.
patience 35 Patience of early stopping.
num_time_nodes 6 Number of time nodes.
soft_partition 2 Time node soft partition size.
num_gcn_layers 2 The number of gcn layers.
readout ml The readout module.
num_readout_layers 3 The number of internal layers of readout module.
time_decay_pos all Position of time decay.
time_module transformer Time embedding module.
num_time_module_layers 4 The number of layers of time module, such as rnn layers or transformer encoder layers.
dropout 0.3 Dropout.
dropout_edge 0 Dropout edges.
noise_weight 0 Weight of noise.
noise_rate 1 Coverage rate of noise.
noise_dim 1 Dimension of noise.
hop 1 Hops of sampled follower.
alpha 10 Weight to adjust sampled follower
beta 100 Minimum number of sampled follower.
source_base 4 Weight of source nodes.
reposted_base 5 Weight of reposted nodes.
leaf_base 6 Weight of leaf nodes.
method bfs Method to sample follower.
gradient_clip_val 1 The value at which to clip gradients.
max_epochs 300 Stop training once this number of epochs is reached.
enable_progress_bar False Whether to enable to progress bar by default.
enable_model_summar False Whether to enable model summarization by default.