
Small Lua module for connecting to and querying ODBC databases.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Small Lua module for connecting to and querying ODBC databases.

Simple Example:

odbc = require("lodbc")

-- Open a connection to the database using a connection string.
db, error = odbc.connect('Driver={MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver};Server=<Your Host>;Port=3306;Database=<Your Database>;User=<Your Username>;Password=<Your Password>;Option=3;')
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

-- Create a table if it doesn't already exist.
results, error = db:exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Names (FirstName TEXT,  Surname TEXT, TimeStamp DATETIME);')
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

-- Clear the tables contents.
results, error = db:exec('DELETE FROM Names;')
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

-- Add some data to the table.
results, error = db:exec('INSERT INTO Names (FirstName, Surname, TimeStamp) VALUES ("Les", "Farrell", "1970-01-01")')
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

results, error = db:exec('INSERT INTO Names (FirstName, Surname, TimeStamp) VALUES ("Ema", "Nymton", "1970-01-02")')
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

-- Query the database.
results, error = db:exec("SELECT FirstName, Surname FROM NAMES; ")
if (error ~= nill) then print(error) end

-- Display the returned results.
print("Number of Rows returned: " .. #results)
for i = 1, #results do
    print("Row:" .. i)
    for k, v in pairs(results[i]) do
        print(k .. ":", v)

-- Finally close our connection.


Copyright © 2022 by Les Farrell. License is MIT.