
Database for Chinese Poetry in json format with both Chinese and English versions.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


LIVE RESTFUL API: https://api.playgameoflife.live/v1/tang.json Welcome to adopt!

What is the definition of this repository?

A database of Chinese Poetry in json format with both Chinese and English versions.

Why do I want to maintain this database?

Mainly inspired by the highly-stared repository chinese-poetry, the author of which aims to provide chinese users a quick way to get exposed to traditional Chinese culture. Then, it occurs to me why not maintain a similar database, but in English? According to my experience, I notice that a lot of native English speakers like to pick some Chinese culture sentences during their conversation. To enrich their understanding of Chinese culture, this repository is born. The repository focuses on offering developers who are native English speakers and interested in traditional Chinese culture an original database which can be used in their projects, forming an mysterious beauty from ancient China.

How does this repository work?

The repository is written in json format, and organized the document tree as dynasties-works.

Id format: *-****
eg. 1-0001
The first number: 1->Tang dynasty, 2->Song dynasty, 3->Qing dynasty)


├── index
├── English
    ├── title
    ├── dynasty
    ├── author
    └── content
├── Chinese
    ├── title
    ├── dynasty
    ├── author
    └── content
└── tag

By the way,the repository is still constructing.

A concrete example:

    "index": "1-0001",
      "author": "He Zhizhang",
      "Oh, I return to the homeland I left while young,",
      "Thinner has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue.",
      "My children, whom I meet, do not know who am I,",
      "Where are you from, dear sir?\" they ask with beaming eyes."
     "tags": [

Tag Classification

  • Age
  • Ambition
  • Autumn
  • Border
  • Class
  • Dream
  • Farewell
  • Friendship
  • Frustration
  • History
  • Homesick
  • Honor
  • Landscape
  • Love
  • Longing
  • Military
  • Mountain
  • Music
  • Night
  • Optimism
  • Reunion
  • Sadness
  • Season
  • Silence
  • Solitude
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Voyage
  • Windy
  • Wine
  • Winter


Chinese_Poetry_Bilingual is published under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Thanks for your support.