
Classic snake game written in vanilla JS

Arcade Snake Game

Implementation of the classic arcade game snake.

Table of Contents


The player can select a difficulty that will change the game rules. Easy will allow the snake to wrap through walls. Standard will end the game if a player hits a wall. Hard will end the game if a player hits a will, and will increase the snakes speed each time a piece of fruit is eaten. Players can choose snake speed, and if they want to have obstacles, rocks, in the playing area.


  • Javascript & Javascript ES6 Classes
  • CSS
  • HTML


To run the game locally, simply run the HTML in a Google Chrome, or Firefox browser


Game Start Modal Starting screen Game in Progress


  • Modals built with vanilla Javascript for setting up your game and displaying final score
  • Arrow key functionality, along with WASD functionality
  • Secret cheet code to increas score and grow the snake without eating fruit


  • Auto populate field with previous setting after playing first game
  • Set up highest score tracker for app