
Qin Todo Webアプリ (チームf2)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Qin Todo (チーム f2)




git clone https://github.com/Lesser-cuckoo/qintodo-next-cuckoo


cd qintodo-next-cuckoo



yarn dev // localhost:3000で立ち上がる


yarn build
yarn start // localhost:3000で立ち上がる

Git ブランチルール


  • マージされると本番環境に自動反映


  • 本番反映前に確認するためのステージング環境
  • 常駐ブランチで、開発用ブランチ(GitHub UserName)/issue*からの変更を受け付け、main にマージ

(GitHub UserName)/issue*

main, developには直接 push せず、(GitHub UserName)/issue*から PR を投げて、レビュー後にdevelopにマージする。

また、Commit メッセージの冒頭にgitmojiをつけることを推奨 (Commit の粒度が調整されるため)。 VSCode のプラグインを使うと便利。

Supabase の DB 設定

プロジェクト作成後、以下の SQL snippet を実行


drop table if exists todos;
drop table if exists profiles;

-- Create a table for Todos
create table todos (
  id bigint generated always as identity primary key,
  uid uuid references auth.users not null,
  inserted timestamp with time zone default timezone('utc'::text, now()) not null,
  task text not null,
  deadline timestamp default null,
  iscomplete boolean default false,
  sortkey double precision default null

alter table todos enable row level security;

create policy "Individuals can create todos."
  on todos for insert
  with check (auth.uid() = uid);

create policy "Individuals can view their own todos. "
  on todos for select
  using (auth.uid() = uid);

create policy "Individuals can update their own todos."
  on todos for update
  using (auth.uid() = uid);

create policy "Individuals can delete their own todos."
  on todos for
  delete using (auth.uid() = uid);

-- Create a table for Profiles
create table profiles (
  id bigint generated always as identity primary key,
  uid uuid references auth.users not null,
  username text,
  hasavatar boolean default false

alter table profiles enable row level security;

create policy "Individuals can insert their own profiles."
  on profiles for insert
  with check ( auth.uid() = uid );

create policy "Individuals can view their own profiles."
  on profiles for select
  using (auth.uid() = uid);

create policy "Individuals can update own profiles."
  on profiles for update
  using ( auth.uid() = uid );

create policy "Individuals can delete their own profiles."
  on profiles for delete
  using (auth.uid() = uid);


-- Set up Storage
insert into storage.buckets (id, name)
values ('avatars', 'avatars');

create policy "Avatar images are publicly accessible."
  on storage.objects for select
  using ( bucket_id = 'avatars' );

create policy "Anyone can upload an avatar."
  on storage.objects for insert
  with check ( bucket_id = 'avatars' );

create policy "Anyone can update an avatar."
  on storage.objects for update
  using ( bucket_id = 'avatars' );