
Convert cookies between BinaryCookies (Apple), EditThisCookie (JSON), Perl::LWP and Netscape HTTP Cookie File (Mozilla, curl).

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This is a maintained fork of BinaryCookies.

Convert cookies between:

  • BinaryCookies (Apple)
  • EditThisCookie (JSON)
  • Perl::LWP
  • Netscape HTTP Cookie File (Mozilla, curl).
  • JSON
  • Property List (XML)

Supports macOS 10.15 and above, iOS 13.0 and above.


  • Unit Tests
  • Framework Target & SPM Support


Usage: CookiesTool [OPTIONS]... [FILE]...
Convert between Apple BinaryCookies, EditThisCookie (JSON), Perl::LWP and Netscape HTTP Cookie File.

Command options are (-l is the default):
  -h | --help               show this message and exit
  -l | --lint               check the cookies file for syntax errors
  -c | --convert FORMAT     rewrite cookies file in format
  -o | --output PATH        specify file path name for result;
                            the -o option is used with -c, and is only useful
                            with one file argument;
  -r | --readable           if writing JSON, output in human-readable form

FORMAT is one of: binarycookies edit-this-cookie netscape perl-lwp

File Format


Field Endianness Type Size Description
Magic BE UTF-8 4 "cook", no terminator
Number of pages BE Unsigned Int 4
Page N size BE Unsigned Int 4 Repeat for N pages
Page N Page N size Page N content
Checksum BE Unsigned Int 4 Sum every 4th byte for each page
Footer BE 8 0x071720050000004b
Metadata Binary Property List Contains NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy value


Field Endianness Type Size Description
Header BE 4 0x00000100
Number of cookies LE Unsigned Int 4
Cookie N offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Repeat for N cookies
Footer 4 0x00000000
Cookie N Cookie N size Cookie N content


Field Endianness Type Size Description
Size LE Unsigned Int 4 Size in bytes
Version LE Unsigned Int 4 0 or 1
Flags LE Bit field 4 isSecure = 1, isHTTPOnly = 1 << 2, unknown1 = 1 << 3, unknown2 = 1 << 4
Has port LE Unsigned Int 4 0 or 1
URL Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie
Name Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie
Path Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie
Value Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie
Comment Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie, 0x00000000 if not present
Comment URL Offset LE Unsigned Int 4 Offset from the start of the cookie, 0x00000000 if not present
Expiration LE Double 8 Number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2001
Creation LE Double 8 Number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2001
Port LE Unsigned Int 2 Only present if the "Has port" field is 1
Comment LE String Null-terminated, optional
Comment URL LE String Null-terminated, optional
URL LE String Null-terminated
Name LE String Null-terminated
Path LE String Null-terminated
Value LE String Null-terminated