
A social networking platform created in Flask framework.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A social network that enables the user's to print their friend's data.

the-reverie herokuapp com_


1.) User's Authentication.

2.) Reset Password via Email.

3.) Post, View, Edit, Delete an Article.

4.) Share an Article.

5.) Add/Follow request on other users.

6.) Delete a Friend.

7.) Mutual Friends.

8.) Print the Friend's Data.

9.) User's Profile.

10.) Upload Image.

11.) Change Profile.

How to set up:


1.) Go to the project directory.

2.) Create a virtual environment $ py -3 -m venv venv

3.) Activate the virtual environment $ venv\Scripts\activate

4.) Install the requirements.txt using this commad $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Type the following command to export the settings of our app configuration.

$ set FLASK_APP=run.py

$ set FLASK_ENV=development

$ set SECRET_KEY='justarandomkey'

$ set SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///site.db

You need to provide a valid email. The email will be used to send a mail for resetting the user password.

$ set EMAIL_USER=YourEmailUser@gmail.com

$ set EMAIL_PASS=YourEmailPassword

$ flask run


1.) Go to the project directory.

2.) Create a virtual environment $ python3 -m venv venv

3.) Activate the virtual environment $ . venv/bin/activate

4.) Install the requirements.txt using this commad $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Type the following command to export the settings of our app configuration.

$ export FLASK_APP=run.py

$ export FLASK_ENV=development

$ export SECRET_KEY='justarandomkey'

$ export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='sqlite:///site.db'

You need to provide a valid email. The email will be used to send a mail for resetting the user password.

$ export EMAIL_USER='YourEmailUser@gmail.com'

$ export EMAIL_PASS='YourEmailPassword'

$ flask run