
Scan availability of Nintendo Switch from Amazon, Bestbuy, Staples, The Source, Walmart, EB Games (Canada only)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

where-to-buy-switch (Canada only)

Scan availability of Nintendo Switch from Amazon.ca, Bestbuy, Staples, The Source, Walmart, EB Games. Reveive real-time email update when in stock.

How to use

  • Install Node.js and dependencies
    npm install # or yarn install
  • Configure nodemailer in mailer.js
    const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: 'smtp.gmail.com',
    port: 587,
    auth: {
      user: 'username@gmail.com',
      pass: 'password'
    const send = async (text) => {
      await transporter.sendMail({
        from: '"Lester Lyu" <username@gmail.com>', // sender address
        to: "username@gmail.com, username@gmail.com", // list of receivers
        subject: "你的Switch有货了", // Subject line
        html: text // html body
  • Run
    node index.js