App Produtos

This fullstack system was built to demonstrate the usage of these technologies for the Salvus job application test. The main libraries are:

  • Express --> To manage the routes
  • PrismaORM --> To manage the queries to the database
  • PostgreeSQL --> The Database to save the products data
  • Vite --> Server for running React app with or without typescript
  • React --> Frontend framework used for biulding the web interface

NOTE: I use TypeScript for the development of this app


You can access the backend on: It might take a minute to load, because of render platform free tier

You can access the frontend on: If the products doesn't show up, please wait a minute or so to reload the page, this is because the backend is on Render platform free tier

NOTE: Theses docs are first updated on the branch DEV


You can contruibute after this date: 07/17/2024. This is because it is when it you be analyzed by the job application team.


You are free to download this repository and use it as your own. Just share this github repository url so people can know where it comes originally from