
Lethal Company Modding Wiki source code.

ISC LicenseISC

Lethal Company Modding Guide

This guide is a fork of trombone.wiki.

The guide can be found here!

Developer Guide

Vitepress Guide

To install dependencies:

npm i

Run a preview of the wiki locally:

npm run dev

Build the wiki into docs/.vitepress/dist:

npm run build

Licensing / Credits

This wiki contains content from the following wikis, and would not be possible without contributions from them:

The content of this wiki is licensed under the ISC License.

Vitepress wiki build pages are based on bsmg.wiki, which is licensed under the MIT LICENSE.

Some content on the pages beginners-guide.md and index.md are based on the content of bsmg.wiki, which is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.