
movie search using Themoviedb API, React, Redux Toolkit, React Router, Downshift, Swiper React, deployed on Vercel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Search



It is a movie database, a simplified version of TheMovieDB. Main functionality:

  • Find movies by using search filters
  • See detailed information for each movie from the main page
  • Create your list of favorite movies (add movies to this list/remove them)
  • See detailed information for each movie from the favorite page

    Movie Search was built with

    Redux Toolkit
    React Router
    The Movie Database API
    Swiper React
    React Transition Group
    React Bootstrap

    View Demo

    link to Movie Search


    1. You can download this repository by clicking Code at the top, then selecting Download ZIP or if you want to clone this repository you can do this by git clone https://github.com/Lethteria/movie-search

    2. For installing all packages in the project directory run: npm install

    3. Then run the app in the development mode: npm start
    Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.