
This is a collection of common javascript challenges proposed in job interviews

Primary LanguageHTML

Coding Dojo - Javascript


1 - Reverse a string

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return a reversed string

ex :


should return 'olleh'

2 - Validate a palindrome

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return true if string is a palindrome (ex : 'ici'), false otherwise

ex :


should return false

3 - Reverse an integer

Write a function that will accept an integer as parameter and return a reversed integer (taking into account negative integers)

ex :


should return -54321

4 - Capitalize letters

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return a string with only the first letter of each word capitalized

ex :

capitalizeString('I love JavaScript')

should return 'I Love Javascript'

5 - Max character

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return the character with the most occurences

ex :


should return 'a'

6 - FizzBuzz

Write a function that will print all the integers between 1 and 100. For multiples of 3 it should print 'Fizz' instead of the actual integer, for multiples of 5 it should print 'Buzz', for multiples of 3 and 5 it should print 'Fizzbuzz'

ex :


should return

1 2 'Fizz' 4 'Buzz' 'Fizz' 7 8 'Fizz' 'Fizzbuzz' ...

7 - Longest word

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return the longest word in that string. If more than one word are the same lenth and are longest, the function should return an array containing these words. Returned word(s) should be lower case

ex :

longestWord('I love coding')

should return 'coding'

longestWord('Hello there, I love cakes')

should return ['hello', 'there', 'cakes']

8 - Array chunking

Write a function that will accept an array (containing integers or strings) and an integer as parameters and split this array into arrays of the given integer length

ex :

chunkArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 2)

should return [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]

9 - Flatten array

Write a function that will accept an array of arrays as parameter and return a single array

ex :

flattenArray([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]])

should return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

10 - Anagram

Write a function that will accept 2 strings as parameters and return true if strings are anagrams, false otherwise. Function should ignore spaces and special characters

ex :

isAnagram('elbow', 'below')

should return true

isAnagram('dormitory', 'Dirty rooms##')

should return true

isAnagram('hello', 'There')

should return false

11 - Letter changes

Write a function that will accept a string as parameter and return a lower case string in which each character of the original string will be replaced by the next character in the alphabet (ex: a will become b), and each vowel will be capitalized. If there is a z in the original string, it should become a

ex :

letterChanges('Hello there')

should return 'Ifmmp Uifsf'

letterChanges('I love buzz')

should return 'J mPwF cVAA'

12 - Object update

Write a function that will accept 3 parameters (object, string, string) and add a new property and its value or update an existing one.

1st parameter is a reference to an object

2nd parameter is the property name

3rd parameter is the property value

If the property exists in the given object, update its value, else, create a new property affect the value.

Function should return a new updated object. Original object should not be modified.

ex :

const myObject = { name : "James", age : 30 }

updateObject(myObject, "name", "John")

should return

{ name : "John", age : 30 }

updateObject(myObject, "country", "England")

should return

{ name : "James", age : 30, country : "England" }