
A small library to add a id to your data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm npm npm bundle size GitHub

A simply function to add a id to your data.

const addIdToArray = require('addidtoarray');

addIdToArray([['Jeff', 19], ['Maria', 20], ],
  { headers: ['name', 'age']}
// --> [{id: 1, name: 'Jeff', age: 19}, ...]

addIdToArray({ name: 'Jeff', age: 19 });
// --> [{id: 1, name: 'Jeff', age: 19}]


Install with npm:

$ npm install addidtoarray


const addIdToArray = require('addidtoarray');


addIdToArray(arr, parameter: {headers, start, incrementName, 
  incrementStep, customIdFunction}
Parameter Data type Description Example Default Required
arr Array or Object Raw data without id. ['Jeff',19] ;
{['Jeff', 19}, ...]
parameter Object Optional parameters! see in README
or index.js
parameter.headers String or [String] How to call the properties
of the object.
['name', 'age'] ;
parameter.start Number start + 1 is the first id. 100 1
parameter.incrementName String How the 'id' property is called. 'special_number' 'id'
parameter.incrementStep Number The increment step of the id. 5 1
parameter.customIdFunction Function
(has to return an object)
Function to generate the id. see in README
or index.js
see in README
or index.js

Custom id function


Version: >= 1.2.0-develop

  • has to accept two parameters
    • item: Array or Object
    • params: Object
      • current_number: calculated number with start and incrementStep
      • index: index from item in arr
      • incrementName: same as incrementName from addIdToArray
      • incrementStep: same as incrementStep from addIdToArray
      • start: same as start from addIdToArray
  • has to return an object, if not --> use default function
const customIdFunctionTemplate = (item, params) => {
  return {};
const simpleIdFunction = (item, params) => {
  const back = {};
  back[params.incrementName] = params.currentNumber;
  return back;

Run tests

$ git clone https://github.com/LetsMelon/addIdToArray.git
$ cd addIdToArray
$ npm ci
$ npm test

Run benchmarks

$ git clone https://github.com/LetsMelon/addIdToArray.git
$ cd addIdToArray
$ npm ci
$ npm run benchmark



This library can be used to format demo data for a database.

Seed file:

const addIdToArray = require('addidtoarray');

exports.seed = async (knex) => {
  const countries = [
    ['USA', 'Washington D.C.'],
    ['Germany', 'Berlin'],
  const data = addIdToArray(countries, 
    { headers: ['name', 'capital']}
   * data: [ { id: 1, name: 'USA', capital: 'Washington D.C.' },
   *         { id: 2, name: 'Germany', capital: 'Berlin' } ]
  await knex('country').insert(data);

custom Id function - hash

Require a 'hash' library like: object-hash, crypto-js, hash.js

const addIdToArray = require('addidtoarray');
const hash = require('object-hash');

const customHashIdFunction = (item, params) => {
  const back = {};
  back[params.incrementName] = hash(item);
  return back;

const data = [['Jeff', 19], ['Maria', 20]];
const hashedData = addIdToArray(data, 
  { headers: ['name', 'age'], customIdFunction: customHashIdFunction}
 * hashedData: [{id: 'fb...75', name: 'Jeff', age: 19},
 *              {id: 'c2...82', name: 'Maria', age: 20}]


  • better code documentation (maybe jsdoc)
  • add more examples
  • write better tests, see 1. issue
  • custom id function, see 2. issue



Copyright (C) 2020 Domenic Melcher

For more info see LICENSE