
Crack iOS Restriction Passcodes with Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

iOS Restriction Passcode Brute Force

Python2.7 OS iOS PRs Welcome Code Climate Twitter


This version of the application is written in Python, which is used to crack the restriction passcode of an iPhone/iPad takes advantage of a flaw in unencrypted backups allowing the hash and salt to be discovered.

Restriction Passcode


This has been tested with Python 2.7

Requires Passlib Install with pip install passlib

How to Use

  1. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/thehappydinoa/iOSRestrictionBruteForce && cd iOSRestrictionBruteForce
  2. Make sure to use iTunes or libimobiledevice to backup the iOS device to computer

  3. Run ioscrack.py with the webserver option

    python ioscrack.py -w



usage: iOSCrack.py [-h] [-v] [-a] [-c] [-w] [-b folder]

a script which is used to crack the restriction passcode of an iPhone/iPad
through a flaw in unencrypted backups allowing the hash and salt to be

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -a, --automatically   automatically finds and cracks hashes
  -c, --cli             prompts user for input
  -w, --webserver       creates webserver running flask
  -b folder, --backup folder
                        where backups are located

How It Works

Done by using the pbkdf2 hash with the Passlib python module

  1. Trys the top 20 four-digit pins

  2. Trys birthdays between 1900-2017

  3. Brute force pins from 1 to 9999

How to Protect Against

  1. Encrpyt backups

  2. Backup only on trusted computers


Best ways to contribute

  • Star it on GitHub - if you use it and like it please at least star it :)
  • Promote
  • Open issues
  • Submit fixes and/or improvements with Pull Requests


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MIT License