
NTU 112-2 CNL (Computer Network Lab) Group 13 Final Project

Primary LanguageVue



The website v1.0.0 is now deployed on https://ws1.csie.org:5173 !!

System Design

There are 3 docker containers in this design, db, backend and frontend.

  1. db

Run the MySQL server exposed at db:3306 within the docker internal network.

  1. backend

Run the Flask API server exposed at backend:5000 within the docker internal network. The API server provides APIs for the Vue app to register, login, get message feed, like message and update location by interacting with the MySQL server. See API spec below.

  1. frontend

Run the Vue app LocaSync on http://localhost:5173.

Quick Start Up

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run ./build.sh
  3. Run ./run.sh

Notes for Developers


Use Branch!

Open a new branch and develop features (or add new files if needed) in the corresponding folder. When you're finished, open a pull request and fix merge conflict first before merging the branch into the main branch.

# Create a new branch
git checkout -b "your-new-branch-name"

# If you finished and want to merge the branch to the main,
# 1. Merge the main into your branch first and resolve conflicts.
git checkout "your-branch-name"
git merge main

# 2. Open a pull request on Github (https://github.com/Letuvertia/cnl-final/pulls)

# 3. Ask other teammates to review your branch before you merge.

# 4. If everything is good, merge the branch on the Github by pressing the merge button. This will close the pull request at the same time.

(Optinal) Develop on Local

If you're developing a feature that is only on backend or frontend side, it is maybe easier to use local environment instead of the docker environment, which connects everything and is more likely to have bugs.

Here's how to install the dependencie on the local environment:

  1. backend

Install Python and execute files in ./backend.

python3 backend/main.py

Use curl to test APIs. See backend/test_api.sh for more examples.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"newuser1","password":"password123","email":"test@email.com"}' "http://localhost:5000/register"

curl -X GET "http://localhost:5000/feed?userid=1"

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"userid":1,"new_msg":{"msg_userid": 1,"msg_content": "Hello!","msg_location_latitude": "125.34","msg_location_longitude": "25.4"}}' "http://localhost:5000/message"
  1. frontend

Install Node.js and run the server. Make sure that you're located at ./frontend before running npm commands.

# Install Node.js and npm with nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install lts/hydrogen # v18.20.2

# Go to the root folder for the Vue app
cd frontend

# Install dependencies (re-run if add new dependency in package.json)
npm run install

# Build the Vue app (re-run if vite.config.js is changed)
npm run build

# Start the Vue app
npm run dev

Go to http://localhost:5173 to check out the website.

SQL Data Format

user table

userid serial PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar(255),
password varchar(255),
email varchar(255) ,
location_latitude FLOAT,
location_longitude FLOAT

message table

msg_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
msg_userid integer,
msg_likes integer,
msg_content varchar(255),
msg_location_latitude FLOAT,
msg_location_longitude FLOAT

likes table

userid integer,
msg_id integer

API spec

/register (POST)

Register a new user account.


    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "email": ""


    "register_status": "__success or fail__"

/login (POST)

Login with user crendentials.


    "username": "",
    "password": ""


    "auth_status": "__success or fail__",
    "userdata": {
        "userid": "",
        "username": "",
        "email": ""

/location (POST)

Update both location and message feed.

Update every 15s.

msg_liked: true if the user has already liked the message, else false.


    "userid": "",
    "location_latitude": "",


        "msg_id": "",
        "msg_userid": "",
        "msg_likes": "",
        "msg_content": "",
        "msg_location_latitude": "",
        "msg_location_longitude": "",
        "msg_liked": true
        "msg_id": "",
        "msg_userid": "",
        "msg_likes": "",
        "msg_content": "",
        "msg_location_latitude": "",
        "msg_location_longitude": "",
        "msg_liked": false

/feed (GET)

Update only message feed.

Update every 3s.


  • userid


        "msg_id": "",
        "msg_userid": "",
        "msg_likes": "",
        "msg_content": "",
        "msg_location_latitude": "",
        "msg_location_longitude": "",
        "msg_liked": true
        "msg_id": "",
        "msg_userid": "",
        "msg_likes": "",
        "msg_content": "",
        "msg_location_latitude": "",
        "msg_location_longitude": "",
        "msg_liked": false

/message (PUT)

Send a new message that user enters to the backend. Update the message directly on the main view.


    "userid": "",
    "new_msg": {
        "msg_userid": "",
        "msg_content": "",
        "msg_location_latitude": "",
        "msg_location_longitude": ""

/like (PUT)

Send an like of a message from the user to the backend. Update the number of likes directly on the main view.


    "userid": "",
    "msg_id": ""

/userdata (GET)

Get user data and message history.


  • userid


    "userid": "",
    "username": "",
    "email": "",
    "location_latitude": "",
    "msg_history": [
            "msg_id": "",
            "msg_userid": "",
            "msg_likes": "",
            "msg_content": "",
            "msg_location_latitude": "",
            "msg_location_longitude": "",
            "msg_liked": true
            "msg_id": "",
            "msg_userid": "",
            "msg_likes": "",
            "msg_content": "",
            "msg_location_latitude": "",
            "msg_location_longitude": "",
            "msg_liked": false