
A deep learning toolkit specialized for handwritten document analysis

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This fork of PyLaia is used as 3rd step in a pipelining project in context of course Foundation of Digital Humanities (DH-405) given in fall 2020 at EPFL. Refer to the main repository of the project to access to the whole pipeline. The full documentation and explanation of the project can be found on the project wiki page. To know how to run this step, refer to section FDH Project - Decipher venice below. To install and setup PyLaia refer to the standard starting in PyLaia i.e:IAM example for HTR.


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PyLaia is a device agnostic, PyTorch based, deep learning toolkit specialized for handwritten document analysis. It is also a successor to Laia.

Disclaimer: The easiest way to learn to use PyLaia is to follow the IAM example for HTR. Apologies for not having a better documentation at this moment, I will keep improving it and adding other examples.


In order to install PyLaia, follow this recipe:

git clone https://github.com/jpuigcerver/PyLaia
cd PyLaia
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

The following Python scripts will be installed in your system:

  • pylaia-htr-create-model: Create a VGG-like model with BLSTMs on top for handwriting text recognition. The script has different options to costumize the model. The architecture is based on the paper "Are Multidimensional Recurrent Layers Really Necessary for Handwritten Text Recognition?" (2017) by J. Puigcerver.
  • pylaia-htr-decode-ctc: Decode text line images using a trained model and the CTC algorithm.
  • pylaia-htr-train-ctc: Train a model using the CTC algorithm and a set of text-line images and their transcripts.
  • pylaia-htr-netout: Dump the output of the model for a set of text-line images in order to decode using an external language model.

Some examples need additional tools and packages, which are not installed with pip install -r requirements.txt. For instance, typically ImageMagick is used to process images, or Kaldi is employed to perform Viterbi decoding (and lattice generation) combining the output of the neural network with a n-gram language model.


  • Added args pretrained_checkpoint in pylaia-htr-train-ctc to use a pretrained checkpoint.
  • Created a new experiment for iam-htr with batch norm and distortion (data augmentation), gain of 2-3% CER.
  • Create a new dataset, lausanne-census, for Lausanne census data with relevant data preparation scripts and experiments.

FDH Project - Decipher venice

All instructions below are the exact steps taken during the project in context of course Foundation of Digital Humanities (DH-405) given in fall 2020 at EPFL.

The training step can be avoided by taking the already trained model provided.

Train on IAM

Datatset description

Images :

  • lines
  • sentences
  • words

Text :

  • forms.txt : global index of the dataset
  • lines.txt : descriptions and transcriptions of lines images
  • sentences.txt : descriptions and transcriptions of sentences images
  • words.txt : descriptions and transcriptions of words images

Training pipeline

Using the code that is in egs/iam-htr.

  1. Install PyLaia as above
  2. Install dependencies (see IAM example for HTR)
  3. Put iam dataset in egs/iam-htr/data/original
  4. Put iam splits in egs/iam-htr/splits
    • Downloaded from here
    • It contains several splits of the dataset (training set, validation set, test set) already used in several papers
  5. Run egs/iam-htr/src/prepare_images.sh
    • It takes the images from the folder original (lines and sentences). It put prepared images in imgs
    • Step 1 : cleaning, enhancing of the images (output : data/imgs/lines or data/imgs/sentences/)
    • Step 2 : resizing of the images (output : data/imgs/lines_h128 or data/imgs/sentences_h128/)
  6. Run egs/iam-htr/src/prepare_texts.sh
    • It takes text from original. It put prepared text in lang. It needs the splits folder
    • Text preparation includes : removing spaces in words, replacing | by space ,..
    • It directly puts the text in the different splits folder for both words and character levels
  7. Run egs/iam-htr/src/train_puigcerver17_bn_dist.sh (train the model) (training on GeForce GTX TITAN X with 12 GB)
    • create egs/iam-htr/exper/puigcerver17_bn_dist
    • Store num_rolling_checkpoins relevant checkpoints (when new lowest CER and WER are reached, and each 10 epochs)
    • Store logs model
    • Store the symbol table in syms_ctc.txt
  8. Run egs/iam-htr/src/decode_net
    • Evaluate the model on validation and training set
    • Store results in egs/iam-htr/decode
    • It does not compute CER/WER if kaldi is not installed
  9. We can evaluate the model with egs/iam-htr/src/Evalutation.ipynb
    • experiment.ckpt.lowest-valid-cer-54 CER : 0.0716 WER : 0.228

Transfer learning on VTM dataset

Based on the code that was in egs/lausanne-census, but work on folder egs/decipher-venice

Datatset description

The VTM dataset consists of images paired with a transcription.

Images are JPEG files and transcription are TXT files. Each files of the pair has the same id as filename.



  1. Copy the vtm dataset in egs/decipher-venice/data/original
  2. Prepare images : run egs/decipher-venice/src/prepare_images.sh
    • if imgtxtenh is missing : export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
    • do the same thing as /iam-htr/src/prepare_images.sh
    • output in egs/decipher-venice/data/imgs/lines and egs/decipher-venice/data/imgs/lines_h128
  3. Split : run egs/decipher-venice/src/split_data.sh
    • output : egs/decipher-venice/data/splits
    • 3 files : te.lst, tr.lst, va.lst
  4. Prepare texts : run egs/decipher-venice/src/prepare_texts.sh
    • output : lang/all/char.txt
    • Potential problems : encoding
  5. Transform texts run egs/decipher-venice/src/prepare_text_stage2.py
    • remove .txt in ids
  6. In egs/decipher-venice/src/train_puigcerver17_transfer_bn_dist.sh point to the right checkpoint to begin the training. The variable to update is the pretrained_checkpoint.
  7. Train : run egs/decipher-venice/src/train_puigcerver17_transfer_bn_dist.sh
    • specify the GPU !!!
  8. Evaluate with egs/decipher-venice/src/Evalutation.ipynb
    • experiment.ckpt.lowest-valid-cer-31 CER : 0.05097 WER : 0.192

Decipher sommarioni

  1. Segment patch in the images (see step 1 and 2 of the project pipeline)
  2. Copy patch in egs/decipher-venice/data/sommarioni/reg# OR put the rights paths in egs/decipher-venice/src/prepare_sommarioni.sh
  3. Run egs/decipher-venice/src/prepare_sommarioni.sh
  4. See the results in egs/decipher-venice/src/Decipher_sommarioni.ipynb