- 0
Minor Compactions is triggered frequently
#231 opened by huhengyuan - 1
- 1
Get read access to locked database
#236 opened by Anton111111 - 0
No native build was found for platform=linux arch=x64 runtime=node abi=115 uv=1 libc=glibc node=20.17.0 webpack=true
#246 opened by dominusmars - 5
Find specific key createReadStream
#203 opened by hanumanjiblog - 1
Сorrect way to read keys and values
#244 opened by mortinlojen3030 - 4
ESM support
#243 opened by pleerock - 2
how to get all sublevel db
#238 opened by williamnie - 3
- 1
Checking if a key exists
#233 opened by raineorshine - 1
Every time my node script restarts, it creates a new .LDB file in the database directory
#232 opened by huhengyuan - 14
Random "Error: Database is not open" errors
#229 opened by ppedziwiatr - 6
Live streaming values from a level
#222 opened by ralphtheninja - 4
- 1
Types do not export `destroy` property
#224 opened by MicaiahReid - 4
Exception handling during storing a value
#221 opened by ppedziwiatr - 1
Error while creating a web bundle with esbuild
#218 opened by ppedziwiatr - 1
Recommended way of retrieving a list of all keys?
#220 opened by faustbrian - 1
- 2
db.isOperational is not a function
#210 opened by XfedeX - 3
- 2
[Question] how can "level-js" make data persistence?
#208 opened by Moon1102 - 7
feature request: support 2 phase commit
#192 opened by LongTengDao - 11
Auto Generated Unique Key
#199 opened by rupamking1 - 4
Raplica & Sharding
#200 opened by hanumanjiblog - 2
Insert Lock, Read Lock, Dead Lock Concatency Control
#202 opened by omymy1 - 5
Question: Fetch all values
#201 opened by ostjen - 2
"Key not found in database" from db.get, when fetching keys that are known to exist
#198 opened by pgleghorn - 6
About opening and closing the database
#197 opened - 2
Using in serverless function
#191 opened by rmrbytes - 3
`createReadStream` not giving expected results when getting data from existing db
#193 opened by DrFacepalm - 1
select multiple keys
#184 opened by Tem4a - 2
Unable to install on macOS Catalina with Node.js v12.8.0
#176 opened by zeke - 3
- 20
When the database is empty, using the ‘createReadStream’ method, no event is triggered
#167 opened by xupengkun - 3
You can't save Classes
#166 opened by Mwexim - 4
Permanence isn't working for me :(
#165 opened by hieyou1 - 2
- 0
Document clear() and manifest
#161 opened by vweevers - 0
Bump dependencies to prevent dedupe
#159 opened by vweevers - 3
- 1
how Traverse all data?
#150 opened by hktalent - 1
- 2
fails to build on node 12
#148 opened by bruce-solar - 2
#146 opened by TutoRapide - 0
Switch to Travis for Windows
#141 opened by ralphtheninja - 12
TypeError The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined
#140 opened by Alecyrus - 5
Tweak the description on OpenCollective
#126 opened by ralphtheninja - 0
Release 5.0.0-0 with dist-tag "next"
#132 opened by vweevers - 7
"NodeUp: A Level* Retrospective Episode", who's in?
#130 opened by rvagg