- 2
- 1
Minor Compactions is triggered frequently
#753 opened by huhengyuan - 0
Ironfish Node running on Windows 10
#751 opened by akumarbage - 0
#750 opened by BapeWavyy - 4
NotFoundError performance
#739 opened by ronag - 4
@types/levelup is missing `getMany`
#729 opened by sebastianst - 2
incorrect promises implementation
#741 opened by dcharbonnier - 1
Ref Level/abstract-leveldown#379, Level/community#83, Level/community#79, Level/levelup#726.#3205721
#738 opened by Bonaventure00916 - 3
Move benchmarks to Level/bench
#652 opened by vweevers - 2
I want to verify my blockchain to Gold Level
#735 opened by Bonaventure00916 - 3
deferred-leveldown.js error
#734 opened by Vanderscycle - 3
- 4
If opening a database fails, promises returned by `open` and deferred operations are not rejected
#710 opened by abacabadabacaba - 1
Add own `status` and remove `isXX()` methods
#726 opened by vweevers - 2
Support encoding options on chained batch
#633 opened by vweevers - 1
- 1
compress(?) or trunk(?) or defragment(?)
#706 opened by vinnitu - 1
can we rewrite level with modern syntax, es2015+?
#702 opened by anlexN - 0
- 5
Weird Situation Causes Hang
#697 opened by kulkalkul - 2
Implementing transaction on top of LevelUp?
#691 opened by endyjasmi - 2
[question] Recommendation for reseting a batch?
#684 opened by CarsonMcKinstry - 1
Multiple read streams of key-values
#683 opened by P0oOOOo0YA - 7
- 4
vulnerabilities fix
#676 opened by akoushke - 1
Rewrite buster tests as tape tests
#650 opened by vweevers - 2
clear() method
#648 opened by iddan - 10
- 2
- 3
- 0
Add seek integration test
#658 opened by vweevers - 1
Can we store a object into the store?
#638 opened by inherithandle - 2
Get `leveldb.BytewiseComparator` error
#647 opened by zhaoyi0113 - 1
Document need of Promise polyfill for IE
#632 opened by vweevers - 0
Release 4.0.1
#644 opened by vweevers - 4
Any method to getting the last 20 results?
#641 opened by aolin480 - 3
Synchronous Callbacks
#642 opened by ccorcos - 0
Browser support
#639 opened by GregTheGreek - 18
[question] Levelup, React and ES6?
#619 opened by fergiemcdowall - 1
can't not install benchmark or run
#636 opened by morolt - 1
Release new major v4.0.0
#623 opened by ralphtheninja - 9
OpenError: IO error: ./tmp/database: Invalid argument
#606 opened by cre8 - 3
- 5
Use native Object.assign instead of xtend
#612 opened by jimmywarting - 10
`createReadStream` crashes with `TypeError: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined`
#613 opened by sunrize531 - 2
An in-range update of bl is breaking the build 🚨
#611 opened by greenkeeper - 3
An in-range update of bl is breaking the build 🚨
#610 opened by greenkeeper - 1
Rewrite to typescript
#609 opened by wookieb - 7
"IO error: /.../app.asar/dist/electron/db/LOCK: Not a directory", -- Electron Build
#607 opened by joemccann - 0
Add options argument to Batch#write
#603 opened by vweevers