Face-Driven Zero-Shot Voice Conversion with Memory-based Face-Voice Alignment

arXiv githubio

This paper presents a novel task, zero-shot voice conversion based on face images (zero-shot FaceVC). We leverage a memory-based face-voice alignment module for the capture of voice characteristics from face images. A mixed supervision strategy is also introduced to mitigate the long-standing issue of the inconsistency between training and inference phases for voice conversion tasks. To obtain speaker-independent content-related representations, we transfer the knowledge from a pretrained zero-shot voice conversion model VQMIVC to our zero-shot FaceVC model.

Paper Demo


  • Step1. Data preparation & preprocessing
  1. Put LRS3 corpus under directory "Dataset/LRS3"
  2. Extract wav from LRS3 video
python Tools/preprocess/extract_wav_from_video.py 
  1. Extract mel and lf0 from wav
python Tools/preprocess/extract_wav_feature.py
  1. Extract face feature
python Tools/Preprocess/extract_face_feature.py
  1. Extract speech feature
python Tools/Preprocess/extract_spk_emb.py
  • Step2. Model training
  1. ParallelWaveGAN is used as the vocoder, so firstly please install ParallelWaveGAN

  2. Download the pretrained VQMIVC and place it in folder pretrained

  3. Training model

  • Step3. Inference
  1. Preprocess the samples for inference following Step 1. The IDs of the preprocessed samples can be found in the files "test_src_speakers.txt" and "test_tar_speakers.txt."

  2. Pretrained FVMVC can be found in here

  3. Runing inference



If the code is used in your research, please Star our repo and cite our paper:

author = {Sheng, Zheng-Yan and Ai, Yang and Chen, Yan-Nian and Ling, Zhen-Hua},
title = {Face-Driven Zero-Shot Voice Conversion with Memory-Based Face-Voice Alignment},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400701085},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3581783.3613825},
doi = {10.1145/3581783.3613825},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
pages = {8443–8452},
location = {Ottawa ON, Canada},
