
Ez a repo tartalmazza JustVidman nem hivatalos Discord szerverjének a saját botjának a kódját.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Botszerű Játékizé v1.0

©2019 Mario_D#7052

For "JustVidman Fun Community" Discord server.

What can it do?

In the mentioned server? Anything. Outside of that server? Nothing. As of 14/12/2020 this bot is hardcoded to only work on one server.

I wanna help!

First, you are a mad lad. You must have ESLint installed to work on it. Commiting unlinted code will revoke your access to the repo. Unless it was a very urgent commit.

Báj dö wéj, ví ár hángeriön, wat if áj júz hángörien in di bot?

You get fucked. Stay English. Thanks. Of course, output to messages can and should be Hungarian.

Some interesting stuff

Assets are needed for the bot to start. We don't commit them, because Git. If you want them, hit me (Mario) up and I'll send the required assets.

Code Example:

exports.run = (client, message, args) => {
    // Do the harlem shake

exports.info = {

    name: 'fileNamePlease',
    category: 'Look at other commands to know what to write here',
    syntax: 'not array, string',
    description: 'Don\'t forget to use Hungarian here...',
    requiredPerm: null || 'moderator' || 'admin' || 'developer',
    aliases: ['put', 'them', 'in', 'arrays', 'like', 'so']
