Make sure Node is installed.
npm install
. -
Add your configuration to
Let a cron-job run
npm run start
every 15 minutes (StackOverflow quota is 300 requests by day)
"tags": "tag1;tag2",
"so": {
"apiBaseURL": "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2",
"dayBack": 1,
"hourBack": 0,
"minuteBack": 0
"slack": {
"apiBaseUrl": "https://[your_team_name].slack.com/api/",
"token": "[your_token]",
"channel": "#random",
"botName": "[your_bot_name]",
"botIcon": "[your_bot_icon]",
"icons": {
"newActivity": ":trackball:",
"topic": ":speaking_head_in_silhouette:",
"askedQuestion": ":speech_balloon:",
"revisedQuestion": ":pencil:",
"revisedAnswer": ":pencil:",
"answerAccepted": ":ok_hand:",
"postedAnswer": ":left_speech_bubble:",
"comment": ":grey_question:"
"lastEndFileName": "lastend",
"dryRun": false
- tags
name of the tags to track (separate by
), - so.apiBaseURL
URL of the StackOverflow API.
- so.minuteBack
number of minutes previous now, use for create the first query.
- so.hourBack
number of hours previous now, use for create the first query.
- so.dayBack
number of days previous now, use for create the first query.
- slack.apiBaseUrl
URL of Slack API.
- slack.token
Slack token, only for dev purpose. DON’T USE IN PRODUCTION.
- slack.channel
Name of the channel to publish. (must start with
) - slack.botName
your bot account name.
- slack.botIcon
your bot emoji icon. (can be blank.)
- slack.icons.xxx
emoji for each situation. (can be blank.)
- lastEndFileName
name of file use for store the last query date.
- dryRun
, display the Slack payload without send it.
In production, use environment variable to set your Slack token (SLACK_API_TOKEN ).
Thanks to @cwi-swat for inspiration.