
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visit the deployed website:

(The form is under the middle tab of the website.)


A simple form for creating a new lead. The user is prompted to enter the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number

and then the lead is sent to the server side (deployed on Heroku) for processing. The server side will then create a new lead in the MongoDB database (Hosted on MongoDB Atlas), and send an email (see in the screenshots section) using the MailTrap API. (MailTrap is a free email service that allows you to send and receive emails from your own server.))

Important Note:

The form is buing validated both on the client side (JavaScript) and on the server side (Node.js), for security reasons.

Tools that i used to create this project:

  • Material UI
  • React
  • React-router
  • express
  • mongoose
  • monogoDB
  • MailTrap API

How to use this project?


Open the terminal and run the following command:

git clone this_repo_url
cd project_name
cd server
npm install
npm start

Open another terminal and run the following command:

cd project_name
cd client
npm install
npm start


I deployed the client side on netlify in the following link: Netlify The server side is deployed on heroku in the following link: Heroku


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