
This is the most recent repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LevieTech's React To-Do App

This version uses React, Redux, Express, Passport, and PostgreSQL (a full list of dependencies can be found in package.json).


This is a full-stack web application that allows users to keep track of various tasks they need to do. Users are required to input the name of the task, the start and end date, the priority level, and any additional notes. After a task is added, it is stored in a database and displayed on the DOM. Users are able to mark an item as complete and delete or edit it. Both of these actions update the database.


Task list preview: Task List Preview

Add new task preview: Add New Task Preview


Before you get started, make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:

Create database and table

Create a new database called react-to-do and create a user table:

    "username" VARCHAR (80) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    "password" VARCHAR (1000) NOT NULL

If you would like to name your database something else, you will need to change react-to-do to the name of your new database name in server/modules/pool.js

You will need to register a user before you can create the next table. After registering a user, create a tasklist table:

CREATE TABLE tasklist (
    "id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
    "user_id" INT REFERENCES users,
    "taskname" VARCHAR (400) NOT NULL,
    "dateadded" VARCHAR (50),
    "duedate" VARCHAR (50),
	  "prioritylevel" VARCHAR (10),
    "completionstatus" BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
    "notes" VARCHAR (2000)

Development Setup Instructions

  • Run npm install
  • Create a .env file at the root of the project and paste this line into the file:
    While you're in your new .env file, take the time to replace superDuperSecret with some long random string like 25POUbVtx6RKVNWszd9ERB9Bb6 to keep your application secure. Here's a site that can help you: https://passwordsgenerator.net/. If you don't do this step, create a secret with less than eight characters, or leave it as superDuperSecret, you will get a warning.
  • Start postgres if not running already by using brew services start postgresql
  • Run npm run server
  • Run npm run client
  • Navigate to localhost:5999

Built With

-React -Redux -Material Ui -Node -Axios -Passport -Postgres -Positco


Shout out to Prime Digital Academy for bringing us togther and providing a template to work off of.

Thanks to the team of developers at LevieTech: -Leigh Stephenson -Julie Gonzalez-Kincaid -Sam Gossie

Honorable Mention: -Everett Butler -Stephen Vertucci


If you have any suggestions or issues, please contact any of the developers on LinkedIn or email Leigh at leighh.stephenson@gmail.com

Thanks for viewing!