
Rust async tokio client for clamd. Works with a tcp socket or with the unix socket. At the moment it will open a new socket for each command. Work in progress.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

clamd-client, WIP

Rust async tokio client for clamd. Works with a tcp socket or with the unix socket. At the moment it will open a new socket for each command. Work in progress.


See also examples/simple.rs. There should be a running clamd instance on your machine (see Notes).

use clamd_client::{ClamdClientBuilder, ScanResult};

async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {

    let address = "";
    let mut clamd_client = ClamdClientBuilder::tcp_socket(address)?.build();

    let eicar_bytes = reqwest::get("https://secure.eicar.org/eicarcom2.zip")

    let result = clamd_client.scan_bytes(&eicar_bytes).await?;
    match result {
        ScanResult::Malignent { infection_types } => {
            tracing::debug!("clamd found a virus(es):\n{}", infection_types.join("\n"))
        _ => (),



clamd is not installed

Simply run cargo test and it should install clamd for you.



  • Implement missing clamd functionality
  • check whether this can also be used with other async runtimes