
Custom hud used by me

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

uwui-Custom Fork by Audrey

A TF2 Hud forked from Pigby/uwui Then forked from SohamG/uwui-v2

Credits to Pigby and SohamG Respectively for making and editing the hud.

install the fonts in /resource/fonts for it to work properly

Soham's Modifications

  • Added Party chat and the button to open it (Missing from upstream)
  • Fixed a bug where the label of the progress bar in the map loading screen would not be visible

My Modifications

  • Made Scoreboard in 12v12 format for 16:10 apect ratio displays
  • Removed sniper scope entirely Screenshot

Non Hud side of things

The following is required in an autoexec config.

alias remove_scope "sv_cheats 1; testhudanim scoperemoval" ; remove_scope


Gnu GPL v3