
Suite of analysis tools for poker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Poker analysis suite

Suite of analysis tools for poker


  • Produce improved version of 'Poker-Solver'
    • find the best poker hand for a set of 7 cards
    • compare the showdown strength of two 7 card hands
    • find the equity of two given hands
    • find the equity of a given hand against a given range of hands
  • Produce a cumulative density plot for the equity distributions
    • x-axis = cumulative density (high to low)
    • y-axis = equity


  • File: hand.py
    • function parsecard() input: string (len = 2) rank and suit string (e.g. '7h'), output: list (len = 2) int for rank and suit (e.g. [5, 2] - ranks: 0 = "2", 5 = "7", 9 = "J", 12 = "A"; suits: 0 = "c", 1 = "d", 2 = "h", 3 = "s")
    • class hand() input: list (len = no. of cards) cards (e.g. [[5, 2], [2, 2], [10, 2], [10, 3], [5, 1]]), card is list (len = 2) int for rank and suit (e.g. [5, 2])
    • determine strength of hand
  • File: parse.py
    • function parseboard() input: string (6 <= len <= 10) board string, output: list (len = input length/2) card strings (len = 2)
    • function parserange() input: string equilab range, output: list of hand strings (len = 4)
  • File: equitycalc.py
    • function calculateequity() input: ranges/hands, output: equity (hand by hand)
  • File: graph.py
    • produces desired graph
  • File: test.py
    • series of tests to check other files are working as intended

File: hand.py

  • determine hand strength
    • handstrength: 9 = "royalflush", 8 = "straightflush", 7 = "fourofakind", 6 = "fullhouse", 5 = "flush", 4 = "straight", 3 = "threeofakind", 2 = "twopair", 1 = "pair", 0 = "highcard"
    • function testflush() output: (boolean, flushsuit, flushcards)
    • function teststraight() output: (boolean, straightrank) [note: go from highest to lowest rank]
    • straightflush: testflush() then teststraight() on flushcards output: (boolean, straightflushrank)
    • royalflush: if straightflush then is straightflushrank = "A" output: boolean
    • function generaterankdata() output: rankdata = list (len = 14) no. of cards of each rank in hand
    • fourofakind: if 4 in rankdata output: (boolean, quads, kicker)
    • fullhouse: if 3 in rankdata twice, or 3 and 2 in rank data ouput: (boolean, trips, pair)
    • flush: if testflush() output: (boolean, highflushcards)
    • straight: teststraight() on cards output: (boolean, straightrank)
    • threeofakind: if 3 in rankdata output: (boolean, trips, kickers)
    • twopair: if 2 in rankdata twice output: (boolean, firstpair, secondpair, kicker)
    • pair: if 2 in rankdata output: (boolean, pair, kickers)
    • highcard: else output: (highcards)