
128-bit float maths functions for Zig stdlib

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Zig f128 math

128-bit float (aka binary128 or quadruple-precision) maths functions for Zig stdlib.

Notes on floats

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754.

Floats (following the IEEE-754 spec) are implemented as follows:

sign     exponent            mantissa
  #    ############  #########################
  1         E                    M

There is a single 'sign' bit (+ve/-ve), an 'exponent' section, and a 'mantissa' (or 'fraction') section. The first bit of the exponent is the sign.

bits precision C name E M decimal digits max
f32 single float 8 23 7.22 3.4 x 10^38
f64 double double 11 52 15.95 3.2 x 10^616
f128 quadruple long double 15 112 34.02 1.2 x 10^4932

Number of digits is given by (M+1)/log2(10), max value is given by 10^(2^E/log2(10)).

Some examples (try out https://babbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu/IEEE-754/):

decimal f32 f64
0 0x00000000 0x0000000000000000
2 0x40000000 0x4000000000000000
3 0x40400000 0x4008000000000000
1 0x3F800000 0x3FF0000000000000
-1 0xBF800000 0xBFF0000000000000
1.5 0x3FC00000 0x3FF8000000000000
0.5 0x3F000000 0x3FE0000000000000
1.0000001 0x3F800001 0x3FF000001AD7F29B
1025 0x44802000 0x4090040000000000

Special values:

  • +/-inf is represented by the exponent being all 1s and the mantissa being all 0s
  • NaN is represented by the exponent being all 1s with non-zero mantissa

Note the following exceptions defined in IEEE-754: https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/FP-Exceptions.html.

Implementation of maths functions

The Zig issue tracking addition of support for f128 in the stdlib maths functions is #4026. The original issue that tracked the initial work is #374, and the work was done on tiehuis/zig-fmath.

Inspiration taken from:

The error of function implementations is often quoted in terms of 'ULP', which stands for 'Units in the Last Place', i.e. a multiple of the smallest unit of precision that can be represented by a given number of bytes. If the error of a function is higher than 0.5 ULP then the result may be wrong in the last digit.


  • Tang, P. "Table-driven Implementation of the Exponential Function in IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic". TOMS 15(2), 144-157 (1989).
  • Gal, S. and Bachelis, B. "An Accurate Elementary Mathematical Library for the IEEE Floating Point Standard". TOMS 17(1), 26-46 (1991).
  • Abraham Ziv, "Fast Evaluation of Elementary Mathematical Functions with Correctly Rounded Last Bit". ACM Trans. Math. Soft., 17 (3), 410-423, (1991).

Function: exp2(x: float) -> float

Return the result of 2 raised to the given argument.

We approach this as follows:

  • Handle special cases:
    • exp2(nan) -> nan
    • exp2(+inf) -> +inf
    • exp2(-inf) -> 0
    • Input is sufficiently large/small such that we get an overflow/underflow (to inf or 0)
  • Reduce using table of values
  • Approximate solution using Chebyshev polynomial on a narrowed range

Single and double precision are implemented based on the old Musl implementation (mid Sept 2017), which appeared to be based on FreeBSD. There is a new implementation in Musl based on https://github.com/ARM-software/optimized-routines (for single/double precision only) since 2017/18.

Quadruple precision will be based on current Musl, since this still matches FreeBSD and uses the same method as double precision.

GCC approach

quadruple precision

GCC calculates exp2() using exp() (base e). I'm not sure why it's done this way round, as I would have thought base 2 would be the more natural one to implement... See exp() section below.

Musl approach

single precision

Using a different method to others - based on https://github.com/ARM-software/optimized-routines/tree/master/math (since commit 3f94c648, 2017). Claims to achieve 1.8x with -O3 for expf() (not as good for exp2()).

double precision

Also based on the above (since commit e16f7b3c0, 2018). Claims to achieve similar (slightly better) improvements to single precision.

quadruple precision

The implementation of quadruple precision comes from FreeBSD (lib/msun/ld80/s_exp2l.c and lib/msun/ld128/s_exp2l.c) - implementation depends on choice of format for long double via a #ifdef.

FreeBSD approach

single precision

Accuracy: Peak error < 0.501 ulp; location of peak: -0.030110927.

Method: (equally-spaced tables)

Reduce x: x = 2**k + y, for integer k and |y| <= 1/2. Thus we have exp2(x) = 2**k * exp2(y).

Reduce y: y = i/TBLSIZE + z for integer i near y * TBLSIZE. Thus we have exp2(y) = exp2(i/TBLSIZE) * exp2(z), with |z| <= 2**-(TBLSIZE+1).

We compute exp2(i/TBLSIZE) via table lookup and exp2(z) via a degree-4 minimax polynomial with maximum error under 1.4 * 2**-33. Using double precision for everything except the reduction makes roundoff error insignificant and simplifies the scaling step.

This method is due to Tang, but I do not use his suggested parameters:

Tang, P. Table-driven Implementation of the Exponential Function in IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic. TOMS 15(2), 144-157 (1989).

double precision

Accuracy: Peak error < 0.503 ulp for normalized results.

Method: (accurate tables)

Reduce x: x = 2**k + y, for integer k and |y| <= 1/2. Thus we have exp2(x) = 2**k * exp2(y).

Reduce y: y = i/TBLSIZE + z - eps[i] for integer i near y * TBLSIZE. Thus we have exp2(y) = exp2(i/TBLSIZE) * exp2(z - eps[i]), with |z - eps[i]| <= 2**-9 + 2**-39 for the table used.

We compute exp2(i/TBLSIZE) via table lookup and exp2(z - eps[i]) via a degree-5 minimax polynomial with maximum error under 1.3 * 2**-61. The values in exp2t[] and eps[] are chosen such that exp2t[i] = exp2(i/TBLSIZE + eps[i]), and eps[i] is a small offset such that exp2t[i] is accurate to 2**-64.

Note that the range of i is +-TBLSIZE/2, so we actually index the tables by i0 = i + TBLSIZE/2. For cache efficiency, exp2t[] and eps[] are virtual tables, interleaved in the real table tbl[].

This method is due to Gal, with many details due to Gal and Bachelis:

Gal, S. and Bachelis, B. An Accurate Elementary Mathematical Library for the IEEE Floating Point Standard. TOMS 17(1), 26-46 (1991).

quadruple precision

Accuracy: Peak error < 0.502 ulp.

Method: (accurate tables)

Reduce x: x = 2**k + y, for integer k and |y| <= 1/2. Thus we have exp2(x) = 2**k * exp2(y).

Reduce y: y = i/TBLSIZE + z - eps[i] for integer i near y * TBLSIZE. Thus we have exp2(y) = exp2(i/TBLSIZE) * exp2(z - eps[i]), with |z - eps[i]| <= 2**-8 + 2**-98 for the table used.

We compute exp2(i/TBLSIZE) via table lookup and exp2(z - eps[i]) via a degree-10 minimax polynomial with maximum error under 2**-120. The values in exp2t[] and eps[] are chosen such that exp2t[i] = exp2(i/TBLSIZE + eps[i]), and eps[i] is a small offset such that exp2t[i] is accurate to 2**-122.

Note that the range of i is +-TBLSIZE/2, so we actually index the tables by i0 = i + TBLSIZE/2.

This method is due to Gal, with many details due to Gal and Bachelis:

Gal, S. and Bachelis, B. An Accurate Elementary Mathematical Library for the IEEE Floating Point Standard. TOMS 17(1), 26-46 (1991).

OpenLibm approach

The same as FreeBSD.

Go approach


Appears to be based on Sun Microsystems. Only has double precision implementation, doesn't use table of values?


Used by:

  • FreeBSD, OpenLibm (single precision)

Gal & Bachelis

Used by:

  • FreeBSD, OpenLibm (double/quadruple precision), Musl (quadruple precision)
    • 10-degree polynomial for quad

A detailed description of the approach is given below for the range of 'normal' values, following the code snippet given.

fn exp2_64(x: f64) f64 {
    const tblsiz = @intCast(u32, exp2dt.len / 2);
    const redux: f64 = 0x1.8p52 / @intToFloat(f64, tblsiz);
    const P1: f64 = 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1;
    const P2: f64 = 0x1.ebfbdff82c575p-3;
    const P3: f64 = 0x1.c6b08d704a0a6p-5;
    const P4: f64 = 0x1.3b2ab88f70400p-7;
    const P5: f64 = 0x1.5d88003875c74p-10;

    const ux = @bitCast(u64, x);
    const ix = @intCast(u32, ux >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF;

    // reduce x
    var uf: f64 = x + redux;
    // NOTE: musl performs an implicit 64-bit to 32-bit u32 truncation here
    var i_0: u32 = @truncate(u32, @bitCast(u64, uf));
    _ = @addWithOverflow(u32, i_0, tblsiz / 2, &i_0);

    const k: u32 = i_0 / tblsiz * tblsiz;
    const ik: i32 = @bitCast(i32, k / tblsiz);
    i_0 %= tblsiz;
    uf -= redux;

    // r = exp2(y) = exp2t[i_0] * p(z - eps[i])
    var z: f64 = x - uf;
    const t: f64 = exp2dt[@intCast(usize, 2 * i_0)];
    z -= exp2dt[@intCast(usize, 2 * i_0 + 1)];
    const r: f64 = t + t * z * (P1 + z * (P2 + z * (P3 + z * (P4 + z * P5))));

    return math.scalbn(r, ik);
  • Where does the redux value 0x1.8p52 come from?
    • This is setting the top two bits (1.1000...), with the exponent set to the size of the mantissa (52 bits) and only the top bit in the mantissa set.
    • When you add x this will discard any part of x that is too small to fit in the mantissa with the high-bit set.
  • Examples of the first step, where redux=@bitCast(f64,0x42b8000000000000) is added (with table size 256):
    • x=1: uf=0x42b8000000000100 - no reduction
    • x=0.511: uf=0x42b8000000000083 - the 0.01 is removed
  • ... TODO ...


Used by:

Function: exp(x: float) -> float

Return the result of e raised to the given argument.

We approach this as follows:

  • Handle special cases:
    • exp(nan) -> nan
    • exp(+inf) -> +inf
    • exp(-inf) -> 0
    • Input is sufficiently large/small such that we get an overflow/underflow (to inf or 0)
  • Reduce to r such that |r| <= 0.5*ln2, x = k*ln2 + r
  • Approximate solution using Chebyshev polynomial on a narrowed range
  • Scale up with scalbn(), which implements x * 2^k for integer exponent

This appears to be approached slightly differently to exp2() (and does not call out to exp2() in general, using scalbn() instead) - there are less tables of values and narrowing is done on a smaller range? Although it seems a table of values is needed for 128-bit floats to achieve the required precision...

This article may be of interest: https://www.pseudorandom.com/implementing-exp.

Single and double precision are implemented based on the old Musl implementation (mid Sept 2017), which appeared to be based on FreeBSD. There is a new implementation in Musl based on https://github.com/ARM-software/optimized-routines (for single/double precision only) since 2017/18.

Quadruple precision will be based on FreeBSD (Musl appears to be missing a working implementation).

GCC approach


The design is taken from Abraham Ziv, "Fast Evaluation of Elementary Mathematical Functions with Correctly Rounded Last Bit", ACM Trans. Math. Soft., 17 (3), September 1991, pp. 410-423.

The input is split into a high part and a low part. Calculations with the high part must be exact.

The input value is written as

x = n * ln(2)_0 + arg1[t1]_0 + arg2[t2]_0 + x - n * ln(2)_1 + arg1[t1]_1 + arg2[t2]_1 + xl


  • n is an integer, 16384 >= n >= -16495
  • ln(2)_0 is the first 93 bits of ln(2), and |ln(2)_0-ln(2)-ln(2)_1| < 2^-205
  • t1 is an integer, 89 >= t1 >= -89
  • t2 is an integer, 65 >= t2 >= -65
  • |arg1[t1]-t1/256.0| < 2^-53
  • |arg2[t2]-t2/32768.0| < 2^-53
  • x + xl is whatever is left, |x + xl| < 2^-16 + 2^-53

Then e^x is approximated as

e^x = 2^n_1 ( 2^n_0 e^(arg1[t1]_0 + arg1[t1]_1) e^(arg2[t2]_0 + arg2[t2]_1) + 2^n_0 e^(arg1[t1]_0 + arg1[t1]_1) e^(arg2[t2]_0 + arg2[t2]_1) * p (x + xl + n * ln(2)_1))


  • p(x) is a polynomial approximating e(x)-1
  • e^(arg1[t1]_0 + arg1[t1]_1) is obtained from a table
  • e^(arg2[t2]_0 + arg2[t2]_1) likewise
  • n_1 + n_0 = n, so that |n_0| < -FLT128_MIN_EXP-1

In most cases n_1 == 0, meaning there is a multiplication that can be omitted.

Musl approach

single precision

Using a different method to others - based on https://github.com/ARM-software/optimized-routines/tree/master/math (since commit 3f94c648, 2017). Claims to achieve 1.8x with -O3 for expf() (not as good for exp2()).

double precision

Also based on the above (since commit e16f7b3c0, 2018). Claims to achieve similar (slightly better) improvements to single precision.

quadruple precision

The implementation of quadruple precision comes from OpenBSD - implementation depends on choice of format for long double via a #ifdef, but seems to be missing a proper f128 implementation...).

FreeBSD approach

single precision

double precision

quadruple precision

Go approach


Appears to be based on Sun Microsystems. Only has double precision implementation, doesn't use table of values?